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Obito POV:

As her head lay in my lap, I stroked her hair. She lay awake as the sunset in the distance. My eyes were focused on my phone screen, but I couldn't even tell you what app I was in. The snow had stopped early this morning, the sun blazing brightly as it started to melt. Our Saturday was spent in a not so ignorant bliss. But now, now I sit with my back to the headboard while she lays with me. Our minds both working against ourselves and each other.

I fought the urge all day Saturday and most of today to dwell on what I wanted to ask. My mind worked on what was in those damn envelopes. I questioned why she would keep the jewelry. I hated to admit it, but I was pained by the fact she kept a single piece of it, let alone the ring. Then to know that she's been keeping those files from me. It made me doubt her, which is something I never thought was possible. Not after everything we've been through.

The fact that she felt the need to lie was absolutely devastating to me. My heart was crushed when I thought back to the number of things inside the safe. The fact that there was a safe was an entirely different issue. The love of my life had lied to me for six months while she was undercover. I shouldn't be surprised that she's been lying to me for the last four years.

Y/n turned her head, and I moved my hand to lay on her stomach. I knew she was looking at me, but I kept my eyes focused on the phone. The screen was out of focus, my thoughts still far from the contents of the electronic device. Nevertheless, I could see she rolled onto her side, eyes fixed onto my face. She was biting at her lip nervously as I began to caress her side. I was hoping to distract her from where her own mind wondered.

"Bito?" she hesitated. I hummed, keeping my eyes on the phone, "Are you going to say anything?"

I sighed, dropping my phone to the bed, "Such as?" I arched a brow.

Watching her e/c eyes swirl with emotions tugged at my heart. I wanted to yell at her; every second we were locked in this penthouse- I wanted to yell at her. I felt like I was being selfish, and maybe, to a degree, I was. But I thought I deserved better. If I had been lying to her for this long, I doubt she would be lying here with me.

The moment she sat up, I knew it was over, "Just say what you want and get it over with," the hormones were already taking over.

We sat face to face on the bed, and I scanned her face before saying, "You lied to me," I said plainly, "For years. What am I supposed to say, Y/n?"

She flinched, almost unnoticeably, "None of what's inside that safe matters," I scoffed at her words. "I kept all of that for exactly this reason. Madara has connections, everywhere, so I kept-"

"But how am I to know that?" I spat, "Who broke him out of prison, Y/n? Who's helping him? What was the point of you visiting him? Why keep all those files if you never wanted anyone to know about them? And jewels?!" I raged, "The fuck would you keep those for?"

Her face twisted, tears brimming, then anger washing over her, "God forbid we needed money, Obito," she snapped, "I kept them so we could sell them later down the line." She started to scoot off the bed, "And the files were for evidence if need be." Finally standing, she glanced back at me, "I wasn't trying to lie to you. The things he said- the things I found- will do you no good."

I moved in a rush, gripping her wrist before she could walk away, "And what did it do you?" She wouldn't look at me, "What good did it do for you to carry around those secrets for this long? To hide them from me? I feel betrayed, Y/n. It's as if, in the end, you picked him over me."

Roughly, Y/n pulled her arm from my grasp. She spun quickly, "Betrayed?" Her voice rose, just enough for me to know that she was about to lay into me. "Betrayed is questioning if the man I married had been lying to me about his intentions from the beginning. Betrayed is wondering if you knew Madara's plan from the beginning- his REAL plan. Betrayed is not knowing if Rin was still alive if you would've chosen her."

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