The Hunter

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The early spring air was crisp as Shisui stepped from his car. His glare landed on the car that didn't belong. Shisui didn't bother calling anyone. He didn't bother changing either. He wanted Obito to see the blood his wife had shed. He wanted Obito to feel the heartache that Shisui felt. He wanted Obito to be tortured with the idea that Y/n was alone in her most significant time of need.

Shisui wanted Obito to hurt.

Shisui wanted Obito to suffer.

Shisui wanted Obito to torture himself.

Entering through the front doors, Shisui ignored the servant that greeted him. The woman gasped when she saw the state he was in. Just after seven in the morning, Shisui knew that most occupants of the home would still be asleep. He stormed through the hallway and to his destination.

Gripping the handle, Shisui tried to calm the raging beast inside of him. Obito couldn't have known what was going to happen. Shizune said it wasn't anyone's fault it happened. It may not have even been preventable. Things like this happen every day. None of those things made it any easier for Shisui.

Opening the door, Shisui scanned the sitting room. Empty and clear of any signs of life. Heading for the bedroom, Shisui prayed that he would be able to handle seeing Obito. The man had no idea his wife was in the hospital. He had no idea she had lost the baby. He had no idea that he almost lost her in the process.

Opening the bedroom door, Shisui's eyes immediately landed on his cousin. The man he loves, like a brother, sat on the side of the bed. He was dressed as if he was about to leave- jeans and a long-sleeved red shirt. His head in his hands, Obito lifted his gaze as he dropped his hands away.

Obito stood as Shisui moved in closer. "What-"

Shisui was blinded by rage the moment Obtio came into sight. Whatever question Obito was poised to ask was cut off when Shisui's fist connected with Obito's cheek.

"Fuck," Obito snapped as he grabbed hold of Shisui's wrist, stopping his second punch. "What the hell happened to you?"

Shisui only growled in response. Bringing his leg up, Shisui's foot caught Obito's knee, making it buckle. Obito let go of Shisui in order to stop himself from falling. Using Obito's moment of weakness to his advantage, Shisui took Obito to the floor.

All Obito could do was cover his face and take the lashing that Shisui was delivering. Shisui had straddled Obito's waist, pinning him to the floor. Obito tried to ask questions, but Shisui only continued to pummel his cousin with punches. The hits grew weaker and weaker until Shisui stopped altogether.

Neither of the cousins moved as Obito moved his arms away. The confusion never found clarity as he looked at Shisui. Slumped and defeated, Shisui closed his eyes and tilted his head back. Obito saw the silent tears fall down the man's face. The blood was dried and caked to his white shirt. His hands and forearms were crusted with it.

"Who's blood is that?" Obito finally broke the silence in a hushed voice.

Shisui dropped his head down. Eyes opening, more tears slid freely. "Y/n's."

It was Obito's turn to rage, "What?!"

As Obito sat up, he gripped Shisui's collar. Rearing for the punch, Obito lost all fight when Shisui said, "She lost the baby."

"Wh-at?" Obito choked as he dropped his fist.

Shisui stood up and sat on the edge of the bed. Obito didn't move from his sitting position on the floor. The older male waited. He wasn't sure what to do. It was as if time had stopped. The world tilted on its axis, and everything was off-kilter. Nothing made sense.

Not even looking at Obito, Shisui explained, "She's at the hospital now. She's going to be okay, but she lost the baby. They were starting to do a blood transfusion when I left. Shizune said she's not sure what caused the miscarriage, but this was something set in motion before this weekend."

"She just had an appointment," Obito was in shock. Disbelief as he thought about his wife being alone in the apartment all weekend. Alone... "How did you-"

"I was sent this," Shisui cut him off with a snarl. "Your wife could've died, and you're worried about why I was the one who found her. Real fucking caring."

Standing, Shisui tossed Obito his phone. The picture ripped through Obito like hot steal. Shisui had his back to Obito, but he heard the muffled cry that left him. The phone hit the floor with a clack, and Obito wailed like a child. Shisui placed a hand over his mouth, Y/n's and Obito's blood both covering him now.

Clamoring from the sitting room made Shisui look to the door of the bedroom. Itachi barged in without notice, eyes frantically searching. The scene was strange, but Itachi didn't seem too shocked by it. Relaxing slightly, Itachi entered the room. Sasuke was directly behind him.

"Is she okay?" Itachi asked Shisui.

Obito moved to stand, "How did you find out?" He asked.

"Naruto called me," Sasuke explained. "He wanted me to make sure Shisui didn't kill you."

The three cousins looked at Shisui collectively. "Apparently, Jirayia was worried about you lashing out at Obito," Itachi said. "For good reason, it seems."

"This isn't the time," Obito said as he walked to the dresser. Picking up his phone, he turned it on. "Who knows?" Obito asked as he looked through the mirror to Shisui.

Shrugging, Shisui said, "I called Jirayia, Zabuza and Kakashi," Obito's face twisted with rage. "Not my fault your phone was off, fucker. I did what I had to to make sure she lived. So be pissed at me all you like. Maybe you should look in that mirror a little longer before you go see her.  She was all alone, Obito. She didn't call anyone because she didn't want to burden them. She needed you, and you weren't fucking there. What kind of a man are you?"

Obito's fists rested on the mahogany wood as he turned his head. Eyes closed, he let his head fall. "A broken one."

"We're all broken in one way or another," Shisui was doing precisely what Madara had said. Using that hate and anger to make Obito see the error in his ways. "You knew about her past, and you chose to love her anyway. Do you want her to write every time she fucked someone while she was undercover down? What good would that do? It's the past, Obito. Let it go."

Itachi and Sasuke stood awkwardly as they listened to the two speak. The air was heavy when they first entered, but now, it was as thick as ice. Brittle and cracked with the weight of lies, doubt, and betrayal. Who would give the ice a final kick, breaking and shattering the ice? The shards splintering and slicing into flesh.

"She told you what happened?" Obito wouldn't lift his head.

Refraining from rolling his eyes, Shisui said, "Not all of it, no. Only that Madara sent audio from the train to Suna. Don't you find it ironic that he's the reason she's alive?"

Finally giving in, Itachi asked, "What are you talking about?"

Moving to pick up his phone, Shisui shoved it into his pocket. "Madara sent me a text," Itachi and Sasuke both stood there in shock. "It was a picture of Y/n in the shower. He's the one that told me she was alone and needed help. Madara is the reason she's still alive."

Picking up his phone, Obito turned to leave, "What room is she in?"

"You're going to get slaughtered," Shisui said, making Obito stop at the door. "Every last one of them told me I better find you before they do. I don't see what excuse you can to give them-" 

"I'm going to see MY wife," Obito turned his head to look at Shisui, "I'm going to grieve with MY wife. I'm going to ignore everyone else in this godforsaken world and worry about MY wife. You stay away from her."

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