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The Basement was what it sounded like. An underground club. The main floor was a restaurant, opened during standard business hours. But if you ducked into the alleyway after eight o'clock at night, you would be able to see the neon outlined door. The Basement.

Brickwalls and exposed pipes ran everywhere. It was dark, only lit by the iridescent neons that filled the space. The glow of the blacklights made the patrons' clothes glow brightly.

Y/n let herself get lost in the music in the haze of her alcohol-driven high. It pulsed through her like it was giving her the will to survive. In the depths of her soul, she felt free for the first time in a long time. She was able to breathe. Able to relax. Until the two males arrived.

Vivekka broke away from the table as Y/n tried to catch her breath. They agreed to take a break while they waited for Viv's friends to show. Y/n took a long sip of water before grabbing her shot of whiskey that awaited her at their VIP table.

Scanning the club, Y/n wondered what life would be like if she could do this every night. Suppose she had moved back to Konoha all those years ago rather than traipsing around Kiri and getting tangled in with Kakashi.

She knew that if she hadn't taken the steps in life she did, Kikyo and Tsuki wouldn't be here. That makes her feel guilty for ever wondering what could have been. And doesn't that make her a hypocrite? Getting upset with Obito when he wondered about Rin?

Isn't it normal for people to wonder what could've been? What would've happened if I gave that guy my number? What if I kissed her? What if I told him yes? What if I took that job? What if I moved across the country? What if... What if... What if...

All those what-ifs could drive a person insane. Too many variables. Too many things fell into place to get you to where you are today. But, all of those things happened for a reason. Serendipity.

The regular bus you took was running late, so you took the earlier one that would drop you off a few blocks from your stop. On that bus, there was a beautiful woman. You took the seat beside her as confidentially as possible. She smelled of jasmine and rain. The only thing you could learn about her was that she worked in a building at the end of the block where the bus let off.

So you took the same bus the next day. And the next. And the next. Trying to pick up things about the woman. Finally, you learned her name. Then you began talking about your lives. She asked you about your family. She told you about her cat.

Then one day, she wasn't on the bus. You had exchanged numbers the day before. Not trying to pry; you only sent a message wishing her well since she wasn't there. She called you. She was upset. The boyfriend she didn't tell you about had struck her. Because she had told him that she was leaving him. For you.

All of those things fell into place. All because you decided to take a different bus. Because you took that seat. All because she thought you were cute. So many factors that neither of you saw, neither of you thought about, that led you to one another.

Life has a funny way of working itself out sometimes.

No matter how prepared you think you are. No matter the plans you make. Life laughs all the way to the bank. Of course, nothing truly ever goes as planned, does it?

Y/n's thoughts mingled between depressing and desperate as she looked back on her life again. She shouldn't have freedom now because her daughters were with someone else. They were safer that way. When this was all said and done, she would be the mother those two deserved.

"Y/N!" Vivekka shouted as she slid in next to Y/n at the booth. "I found 'em!"

Vivekka moved back slightly to allow Y/n to see the two men at the end of the table. They slid in across from Y/n as she tried to hold her composure. They were both good-looking. One with red hair, the other with brown. Y/n knew how to handle herself around men that were attractive; that wasn't the issue.

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