Memories and Dreams

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I remember talking.

I remember words flowing around me.

I remember glass.

I remember the sound of metal being ripped to shreds.

I remember sirens.

I remember feeling cold.

I remember feeling hot.

I remember feeling numb.

Then it's a blur.

The scrambling. The blood. The screams. The smells.

The pain.

The goddamn pain.

Everything. Everywhere.

It's gone now. Now there's nothing. Peace. Serenity. Silence. I can breathe. Am I breathing? Is there air where I am? Where am I? Is this the space between Heaven and Hell? Am I drifting? Am I waiting for judgment to come? Or is this my fate? To linger in the nothing forever.


I was always better off alone.

I never felt lonely. I preferred being alone. No one there to bother me. No one there to worry. No one there for me to worry about. Solitude.

There's movement again. Someone's calling my name. I hear others' names being shouted. Who was with me? Where was I? What was I doing?

"NO!" It's shrill and desperate. I can't place who it is.

More shouting.

More pleading.

I'm moving somehow. I can't tell who is carrying me. Someone I know? Paramedics? A bystander?

I croaked out a sound before a fierce pain lanced through me. What's wrong with me? I can't focus on anything. Sight and sound are still swimming around me. My voice is lost.

Darkness comes again.

"... in shock!"

Everyone moved quickly to help the injured. Bystanders rushed to help but found the fire's blaze too hot. It was too late. Pulling the other two away from the blast, they did what they could until paramedics arrived.

"How..." nothing made sense, "back!"

Pain brought my eyes open before I felt someone lying on top of me. They were holding me down. The hospital. Was it the hospital? It felt like torture. Nothing they said was registering. Why can't I remember what happened? Nothing is making sense at all.

Where was I before this?

Can I trace my steps?

Can I remember anything?


Who? Me? What am I doing?

"Get out!"

Wait... This is a memory.

"The cars gonna blow!" But who was yelling at me?

I didn't make it far before the explosion happened. I know that much. The heat. The debris. The shrapnel.

I didn't do enough. Not just with this. In life. I never did enough. I could've done more. I could've achieved great things. I could've been better. If I survive, I'll do just that. I'll make the apologies I need to. I'll make the changes I need to. I can still fix this.

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