How important is consultation in Islam

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We are taught to always seek and increase our knowledge, but we must always remember to be humble, and realise there is so much out there that we do not know about.

Our beloved Prophet Muhammad pbuh had demonstrated that while receiving guidance and revelation, yet he still maintained his humility. And this can be witnessed in some of his iconic life stories.

- In the Holy War of Badr, prior to his confrontation with the enemy, he consulted with his followers:

“Tell me your views concerning the combat with Quraish. Shall we advance? Shall we confront the enemy? Or shall we return back?”

The leaders of the Muhajirin (Immigrants) and the Ansar (the Prophet's close followers) presented two differing views; but the Prophet accepted that of the Ansar3.

-- In the Holy War of Badr the elders believed, that they must stay in Medina in order to defend the strongholds, by throwing arrows and stones from the strongholds and rooftops of their houses. But the youth preferred confronting the enemy outside the city. The Prophet adopted the second view4.

-- In the Holy War of Khandaq (ditch) the Prophet convened a military council and accepted Salman's proposal of digging a ditch around the vulnerable areas of Medina and carried out his suggestion. 5

-- In the Holy War of Taef, the Prophet, in accordance with suggestions by some of the military officers, changed the location of their headquarters 6.

In the consultation sessions, it is common to express differing views. Each person tries to defend his own ideas and to condemn those of others. There must be a strong manager present who could gather all views and adopt the best view, or else such sessions would be fruitless.

Incidentally, in the first verse which was revealed onto the Prophet on the issue of consultation, God says:

﴿ فَإِذا عَزَمْتَ فَتَوَكَّلْ عَلَى اللَّه ﴾

“As soon as you have decided, rely on Allah”.

The purpose of such an address is for the Prophet to realize that after consultation the only authority who should decide is the Prophet who must then, in turn, rely on God.

The purpose of such an address is for the Prophet to realize that after consultation the only authority who should decide is the Prophet who must then, in turn, rely on God

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