valuing the words of a mother

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Hadrat Owais Qarni (R.A) could never meet the Holy Prophet (PBUH) though he tried to meet him (SAW) a lot.

One day, he took permission from his mother to visit Rasulallah (s.a.w), and his mother said:
"You have my permission to go, see him once, and come straight back. If our Beloved Prophet (s.a.w) is at home, you may meet with him; if not, come straight back here."

Hazrat Owais Qarni (RA) then completed a journey of three months on foot, from Yemen to Madinah Munawara .

When he reached Rasulallah (s.a.w)'s house, he knocked on the door and Hazrat Aisha (R.A) opened the door. She told him that Rasulallah (s.a.w) was in the Mosque.

Hazrat Owais Qarni remembered his promise to his mother and replied, "Please convey my Salam to my Beloved Rasulallah (s.a.w). Kindly inform him that Owais came from Yemen, did not find him at home and is now returning to Yemen, since he does not have permission from his mother to meet him in the Mosque."

When Rasulallah (s.a.w) returned home from the Mosque, he found the radiance of Hazrat Owais Qarni in his house. Hazrat Aisha (R.A) told him what had happened, and conveyed Hazrat Owais Qarni's salutations. Holy Prophet (SAW) looked towards Yemen and said, "The fragrance of our friend is reaching us."

This sacrifice for his mother and the way Owais had devoted himself to his mother his whole life was the reason that he was mentioned by the Prophet ﷺ.

People say that Islam oppresses women, but how can anyone say that when they see a person like Owais, who will take 200,000 with him to heaven, just for sacrificing his friendship with the Prophet ﷺ to take care of his mother and for devoting his whole life to her. If you were in the same position, what would you choose?

*Owais is going to take 200,000 people with him to Paradise! Even a martyr only gets 70,000.

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