Now this is who I call as A true leader

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Umar bin al-Khattab was very humble, considering and hands on type of leaders.

He used to visit the ordinary people in their homes undercover and not as their caliph to listen to their complains and problem and work to solve them.

He also used to go out every night with pounds and bags of rice, wheat and flour on his back serving the hungry people.

---A famous story tells of him arriving in Jerusalem walking beside his camel upon which his servant was sitting.

He also cared about the animals under his rule and afraid if something happened for them like tumbling in the rode will be be- cause he did not do his job as it should be.

He was very involved with his people’s problems. He deprived himself from everything his people were deprived from,

“How can I consider myself to be a shepherd and I am not struck with what my flock is struck with?” (4) said by him. 

Umar (R.A) used to lead his people by example.
His kept his personal possessions to a minimum and used to eat simple food.
He always refused to take salary and never touched the state treasury.

Umar ibn Al-Khattab followed the principle of equality in any kind of distinction.

Once, Umar ibn Al-Khattab had a difference of opinion with Ubayy bin Ka'b.

The matter was referred and brought in the court of Qazi Zaid bin Thabit. When Umar ibn Al-Khattab arrived at the court the Qazi, Zaid bin Thabit, vacated his seat out of respect for the Khalifah.
Umar ibn Al-Khattab, after observing the situation, said that this was the first injustice Zaid has done to the suit. Then he sat down next to Ubayy, his opponent.

In a letter to Abu Musa Ash'ari he wrote, "People generally hate their ruler, and I seek protection of Allah, if my people should entertain similar feelings about me. 

--- During his time, Hazrat Umar (R.A) acted very astutely, made the social system just through Zakah (Charity) to the extent that there did not exist even a single beggar on streets.

--- Umar (R.A.) was most humble to Allah and led an austere life. His food was very coarse and he would patch his cloth with leather.  
At the time of drought, Umar (R.A.) ate bread and oil until his skin turned pale dark and he would say: "What a bad leader I am if I eat my fill and the people go hungry."

Umar was a pioneer in many affairs. Most of the reforms and administrative systems introduced by him are still in force today.

For the first time in the world, Umar allocated stipends for infants, disabled, widows and helpless people. Under his rule, state intervention to control the price of merchandise was introduced.

He initiated the concept that rulers and government officials must declare their assets. He also started giving punishments to dishonest judges. For the first time, elite and ruling class had to undergo accountability.

Umar began the public ministry system, where the records of officials and soldiers were kept, including all of his messages to Governors and heads of states.

For the first time in history, he established a special cell that investigated the complaints against the officers of the State. This department acted as administrative court, where the legal proceedings were personally led by him.

He was the first to appoint police forces to keep civil order. He started the concept of jail and introduced complete judicial system to the society. He created army garrisons and many other things as well.

Today, when a letter is sent through a post office, when a police officer wears uniform, when a soldier goes on leave after six months, when government gives grants to children, disabled, widows or helpless people, they only follow the system which was initiated by Umar.

Today, when a letter is sent through a post office, when a police officer wears uniform, when a soldier goes on leave after six months, when government gives grants to children, disabled, widows or helpless people, they only follow the system whic...

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Indeed, Umar was a great ruler and he had a lasting impact on not only his reigning region but the entire world.

“Fear Allah, for He alone lives; all other things are liable to perish.”(Hazrath Umar R.A)

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