Dealing with verbal abuse

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"Bear patiently what they say." ( Quran 20:130 and 50:39)

Muslims are taught to bear their feelings of hurt and anger with patience, and to ignore the abuse.

Here's an incident narrated,

A man called Suhail ibn Amar had a voice suited to oratory, and used to employ this talent in making speeches against the Holy Prophet. He was captured by the Muslims at the battle of Badr and brought before the Holy Prophet.

A Muslim suggested that some of Suhail's teeth should be knocked out to disable him from speaking well.

The Holy Prophet replied:

"If I disfigure any of his limbs, God will disfigure mine in retribution".

So, this was the reaction and tolerance level of our Prophet saws on hurtful words. We as Muslims, must follow his example for Allah loves the patient one.

-- Some Jews, when addressing Muslims, would distort the greeting as-salamu alaikum and say it as as-samu alaikum, which means
"death be upon you".

When they once addressed the Holy Prophet in this manner, his wife Aisha retorted back in the same words. But, the Holy Prophet disapproved of this reply and said that God does not like harsh words.

Islam requires its followers to show patience under provocation, and to disregard and ignore the abuse.

"The Muslim who mixes with the people and bears patiently their hurtful words, is better than one who does not mix with people and does not show patience under their abuse." 

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