Leave that which does not concern you

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The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said:

"Part of the perfection of one's Islam is his leaving that which does not concern him."( Abu Hurayrah R.A)

When we look at this hadith, it really has a great meaning in it.
Let us see it from the Perspective of science...

The science has proved that we have a conscious mind as well as the subconscious mind.
The subconscious only function is to do exactly what you tell it to do (for better or for worse). It remembers everything and stores every memory you will ever have.

 Your subconscious mind like a “garden”.

Whatever your conscious gardener plants is exactly what will grow in the subconscious garden.

Throughout your journey in life, you are constantly programming and conditioning your subconscious mind with thoughts, habits, and beliefs.

Throughout your journey in life, you are constantly programming and conditioning your subconscious mind with thoughts, habits, and beliefs

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Now let us come to this hadith...

Ibn Rajab said this hadith forms a great principle in manners.

The hadith is not pertaining to speech/statements only, but also pertaining to deeds e.g. going to places which do not concern you and have no benefit.

The “concern” mentioned in the hadith is not what concerns us personally, but what should concern us as based on the shari’ah.
e.g. as an individual, you may feel that the situation of our brothers in Palestine does not concern you, but based on the shari’ah it is a matter that concerns all Muslims, so you cannot say it doesn’t concern you.

Also, you may feel that knowing the score of last night’s match is something that concerns you, but based on the shari’ah it is not something that is of concern to you (unless in rare occasions)

You know that the more we speak, the more likely we are to:
Harden the heart
Distract from the remembrance of Allah.
There is a direct correlation between sins and excessive speech.

Now, the reason I chose this hadith is to highlight the present situation of this world, filled with lots of distractions such as the social media, usage of lot of new apps and even chatting online with friends which may take hours of our time. This is really a matter of concern and we need to change our habits and implement more on this hadith.

Just think, How different would your life be if you focused only on that which concerns you? Try it out as an experiment for one week

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Just think, How different would your life be if you focused only on that which concerns you?
Try it out as an experiment for one week. Here’s what to do:

-- Limit your news consumption to 30 minutes per day (this includes TV and the Internet)

--Delete social media apps from your smartphone so you won’t be tempted to scroll through endless feeds.

--Whenever someone brings up a topic that piques your curiosity, ask yourself: Does this matter to me? Do I need to care about this? What would happen if I ignore it and don’t engage with it? If the answer is ‘nothing’, divert the discussion to something more meaningful and productive.

--Keep a journal that records your thoughts, ideas, and projects that you work on. When your free time isn’t engulfed in things that do not concern you, you’ll be surprised by how much time you have to think and what this does to your creativity.

--The hadith shows that Islam is concerned with the welfare of society, as arguments and fights stem from excessive speech.

--The hadith serves as a means to protect the honour of another believer.

--The hadith nurtures a person to have high aspirations.

--What makes a person concerned with things that do not concern him is being ignorant of his own state of affair, always criticising others.

--This hadith pushes us to focus on those things that will benefit us in the dunya and the hereafter and pushes us to the state of ihsan.

--It helps Focus more in improving ourselves than look at the faults of others.

... By the soul and (by) Him who made it perfect, and then inspired it to understand what is wrong and what is right for it. Truly is successful the one who purifies (his soul). (Holy Qur'an, 91: 7-9)

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