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The Prophet Muhammad, upon him be peace and blessings, worked alongside his Companions.

After the Emigration, they built a Mosque in Madina, called the Prophet's Mosque.
During the building, if the Companions carried one dried brick, the Prophet carried two.

In the Battle of the Ditch, which took place five years after the Hijra (Emigration), the Muslims dug a ditch around Madina in order to defend it against the attack of the allied forces of the Makkans.
Again, the Prophet toiled alongside his Companions; moreover, while his Companions fastened one stone around their bellies in order to quell the pangs of hunger, the Prophet fastened two, because he was hungrier than all the others.

In one of the Prophet's military campaigns, the Muslim army halted to eat. They planned to slaughter a sheep. One of the Companions undertook the task of slaughtering, another the task of preparing the meat, and so on.
The Messenger suggested: 'Let me collect wood. I can carry wood on my back well.'

The Companions said:

'God forbid our making you work, O Messenger of God! Please have a rest under that tree, and leave all this kind of work to us.'

However, the Prophet, upon him be peace and blessings, objected to this. He said:

'I believe that you are willing and able to do whatever needs to be done. However, it is troubling to me that I should rest while you are working. I do not wish to be the sort of administrator who takes his ease while his community are laboring.
The Almighty does not love those who seek privilege among the people.'

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