Unknown to many but preceded his famous brother

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Let me ask you something, have you heard or did you even know that 'Umar Ibn Al Khattab Radiyallahu Anhu had a big brother?

Well, yes he had a brother and he was not just any ordinary man yet he is lesser known than 'Umar.
Let me introduce to you Zaid Ibn Al Khattab Radiyallahu Anhu.

Just like 'Umar, Zaid was also had a towering height, big built, wise and was a great warrior yet we think about it - how come he wasn't given same ardor or fame like 'Umar?

Zaid, even during his jahiliyyah (pre-Islamic) days, didn't mingle much with the public - he was someone who kept to himself while 'Umar was the opposite - he used to go out to the public and engage in politics and so.

You can say, extrovert and introvert - but does that make Zaid less of a man or muslim like 'Umar? Not at all.

One of the greatest contributions of Zaid to Islam was executed the day he was martyred. Imagine this scenario with me, one day the Prophet ﷺ sat with a group of sahabah and said:

"Among you there is a man whose molar in He is greater than Mount Uhud." - After hearing this, they all got afraid fearing that it might be him that the Prophet ﷺ has prophesied a dreadful end.

Years went by and the sahabah amongst this particular group have passed away except Abu Hurairah and Ar Rajjal Ibn Unfuwah.

Now, when the Prophet ﷺ passed away and Abu Bakr was appointed as the Khalifa - one of his greatest battles was that of Musailamah - The Liar who claimed to be a Prophet and one of his helpers and allies were Ar Rajjal.

What's the connection of Ar Rajjal's story and Zaid? Due to the actions that Ar Rajjal laid out, it became the fuel for Zaid to go after him as he saw Ar Rajjal as someone who is worst than Musailamah as Ar Rajjal exploited all his previous deeds - do remember that Ar Rajjal lived with the Prophet ﷺ, memorized verses from the Qur'an and even gave his allegiance to Abu Bakr - yet due to his thirst for power, he lied and supported Musailamah and his prophethood.

Now, this is a big thing - imagine someone who used to be with the Prophet ﷺ, sat with him, learned with him and supported him has just went against him and confirmed that Musailamah's sovereignty - it truly caused chaos and put a division amongst the Muslims.

So when the battle of Yamamah came, Zaid Radiyallahu Anhu went after Ar Rajjal. It was said that Zaid attempted thrice to kill him yet due to the number of people fighting Ar Rajjal would be swallowed and be hidden from him. Only on his fourth attempt that he was able to grab Ar Rajjal and end his lies, apostasy and calamity he had brought amongst the Muslims.

The news of Ar Rajjal's death spread so fast that it reached Musailamah in no time - and he got scared that terror and fear was drawn to his face. On the other hand, Muslims who were down and almost defeated heard this news, started to feel dignity and pride and regain their thirst for victory and martyrdom.

As for Zaid, he paused and supplicated to Allah and went back dividing into the enemy lines until he gained martyrdom. Ultimately, Muslims won this battle.

As the Muslims marched back to Madinah, 'Umar was standing at the gates waiting for his brother but in vain, before he thought he would see his brother - a man came and condoled him for the lose of his brother Zaid in which 'Umar said:

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