Allah raised his status because of the Quran

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This is a short excerpt from the life of a young Companion of the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wassalaam.

He was Abdur-Rahman Ibn Abza Khuza’i Radiyallahu Anu also known as “Ibn Abza“, a freed slave of Nafi Ibn Abdul Harith Radiyallahu Anhu who became a governor of Makkah during the reign of ‘Umar Ibn Al Khattab Radiyallahu Anhu as Ameer ul Mumineen.

Ibn Abza RA was a very intelligent and an expert in Islamic inheritance law, but more than that, at a young age he was able to memorize the Qur’an and Allah Azza Wa Jall blessed him with such a beautiful voice that captivates the hearts of people whenever he recites. 

One day while ‘Umar RA was on a tour of Makkah, he came across Nafi RA in Afsar, a place close to the holy city. ‘Umar asked him: “Who did you appoint as ruler over the inhabitants of Makkah?”

Nafi replied: “Ibn Abza”
‘Umar asked, “Who is Ibn Abza?”
Nafi replied: “One of my freed slaves.”
‘Umar exclaimed in wonder saying, “You appointed a freed slave over them?”

nafi replied: “He can recite the Qur’an very well. Moreover, he is an expert in Islamic laws of inheritance.”
‘Umar was obviously satisfied with the decision and said: “The Messenger of Allah Sallallahu Alaihi Wassalaam said: “Allah elevates a nation by the Qur’an and degrades them by it.” 

Didn’t affect you much? Maybe because we should realize that Ibn Abza was a freed slave with no known ancestry unlike the inhabitants of Makkah yet he had the Qur’an in his heart a blessing that truly Allah Azza Wa Jall only gives to those whom He chooses. 

Because of the Qur’an in his heart, Allah Azza Wa Jall raised his status in this duniya through making him a governor over the people in Makkah during the time of ‘Umar Ibn Al Khattab RA and again a governor over the people of Khorasan during the reign of Ali Ibn Abi Talib RA.

A scholar once said, “They gained honor through the Qur’an (the Sahabah) while we lost it by forsaking it.”

Astagfirullah. It is indeed a high time that we stop looking at the screens of our phones and start removing the dust that covered our mushafs. O Muslims, the more you shun away from the Qur’an, the more darkness of emotional depression and failures clutter over you. 

When you fail, you blame Allah, yet when you succeed, you don’t even remember Allah. Astagfirullah.

May this story make you realize the worth of this blessing you are forsaking! It’s never too late, you still have the hands to remove that dust on your mushaf and start reading, reciting and reflecting! Remember it will be your companion in your grave, it will emit light when layers of darkness will be upon you!

Read O son of Adam, recite in the name of Allah Azza Wa Jall!

And we pray that Allah Azza Wa Jall puts the love for the Qur’an in our hearts and enable us to read and recite it every single day of our life as a means to be closer to Him. 



Story was taken from Sahih Muslim: Salat-ul Musafireen, Hadith 817

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