Imaan is an individual struggle

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Asiya R.A was a queen. She was the wife of one of the most powerful man to walk the earth. She lived a life of unparalleled luxury and wealth. Yet, Asiya R.A knew that her true home was in Paradise. She had no attachment to this life.

Asiya R.A believed in Musa’s A.S message and she held firm to her faith. That faith was so strong that she was willing to die for it. When Firaun found out that she believed, he tortured her severely. 

Fir’oun had her dragged to the dessert and had her chained to the ground. She was deprived of food, water, shade, and the daughters of Fir’oun’s concubines would come daily to laugh and taunt her.

After so long of this torture, Asiya (RA) looked to the sky and said, “Oh Allah, build for me with you a palace in Jannah.”

Allah SWT opened the skies for her and she saw the palace she would be granted in Jannah.

While she was whipped and tortured, the angels shaded her, and the more she was tortured, the more her imaan grew.

She would look up and see her palace, and laugh and laugh, until Fir’oun ordered for her to be taken to a mountain and tied up beneath a cliff. He ordered his guards to drop the largest boulder they could onto her body, and they did – but not before Allah SWT took her soul before the boulder even hit her body.

The first lesson we learnt is,
the woman who’s being tortured by the worst man ever to walk the earth?

Yet, she was able to bear it and she even smiled because Allah s.w.t was with her and He made it easy for her. And she had a greater attachment to her home in Jannah than to her home here. And because of that, everything that she dealt with, regardless of how difficult it was, was made easy for her.

The second lesson which is very important is,

that she was married to a very tyrannical man who claimed to be the Lord right? Yet, she was not defined or limited by those circumstances.

Our relationship with our Creator should define how we feel about ourselves and who we are.

For Asiya R.A, that’s how it was. It was her relationship with her Creator. It wasn’t her relationship with the tyrannical person that she happened to live with or by her circumstances. In the story, Asiya R.A is an everlasting example of a woman who chose the Hereafter over all of the glitter of this world.

It is the story of a woman whose love of Allah and the home with Him was greater. It is the story of a woman whose faith inspired her to take on the greatest tyrant of all time. And to give her life in the process.

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