A short reflection message

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He’s the person who stood at the grave of his father.

He is the Messenger who stood at the grave of his mother, his grandfather, his wife, his uncle, his young sons, his two daughters and the closest of his companions.

He is that sacred person who lost his father before he was born, Can you imagine the difficulty?

He is that precious human who lost his mother at the tender age of six in the middle of the Arabian desert.

He looked upon her with his beautiful eyes whilst her illness increased and he witnessed her leave this world whilst he was so young. Can you imagine the greatness of that test?

His grandfather began to look after him. He poured all of his love and affection upon him but by the age of 8 he had already lost him. Can you imagine the pain?

His wife was the most beloved person in the world to him and he lost her in the most testing of times. Can you Imagine the yearning?

His uncle who looked after him from the age of 8 and was his security in Makkah, passed away before him.

He saw the martyrdom and mutilation of His beloved uncle Hamza who was like his father and it broke his blessed heart. Can you imagine the strength?

He lost his aunty and she was like a mother to him so he lay in her grave and buried her with his own hands. Can you imagine the loyalty?

He lost his sons whilst they were young children. He went through the pain of burying his own sons in his lifetime and it caused his blessed eyes to weep. Can you imagine the hardship?

He saw the torture and killing of the companions he grew up with and his soul never stop yearning for them. Can you imagine the love?

He went to Badr, at a war front full of pain, watched his companions die right before him, yet while returning home, he found  his daughter had passed away. Can you imagine the pain?

Despite all of these..

📥He was never seen without a smile.

No one ever asked him except he gave.

He never did passed a child except he showed them love.

He never struck a woman.

He never complained. Can you imagine his character and his greatness?

Yes, Even His creator praised His character...
وَإِنَّكَ لَعَلَىٰ خُلُقٍ عَظِيمٍ

And verily, you (O Muhammad) are on an exalted standard of character. (Qur'an 68:4)

When His family was asked about his character,  They said,  He is not different from what the Qur’an says about him.

A Lovely father.

A Romantic husband.

Inlaw ready to die for Him 🥰.

Family and friends stood for His cause and layed their lives for His progress.

His words were never doubted,  Even by his enemies.

Always spent time with the poor.

He ruled over a billion people’s heart even after 14 centuries passing by.

His medication remains the best till today.

His friend who was a non saw him coming for a visit, he said,  “O dear friend, I thought you have become a Prophet and forgotten me, after all you are going through, you still remember me 🥰

He never said he was busy to attend to anyone.

*He is Prophet Muhammed ﷺ - an epitome & the crown of humanity*

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