He sacrificed everything for Islam

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Musab-bin-Umair (RAA) had been brought up in great love and affection by his well-to-do parents. Before embracing Islam, he lived in luxury and comfort.

It is said that he was the most well-dressed youth of Mecca. He embraced Islam in its early days, without his parents' knowledge. However, when they came to know of it, they got very upset and restricted him from going out.

His mother had withheld from him all the luxury he had been overwhelmed by, when she could not return him to her religion. Her last connection with him was when she tried to imprison him for a second time after his return from Abyssinia, and he swore that if she did that, he would kill all those who came to her aid to lock him up. She knew the truth of his determination when he was intent and decided to do something, and so she bade him goodbye weeping. When she said to him,

"Go away, I am no longer your mother,"

Mus'ab went close to her and said,

"O Mother, I am advising you and my heart is with you, please bear witness that there is no God but Allah and that Rasulullah is His servant and messenger."

She replied to him, angrily raging,

"By the stars, I will never enter your religion, to degrade my status and weaken my senses!"

So Mus'ab RA left the great luxury in which he had been living. He became satisfied with a hard life he had never seen before, wearing the roughest clothes, eating one day and going hungry another. This spirit, which was grounded in the strongest faith, adorned with the light of Allah SWT, made him another man, one who appeals to the eyes of other great souls.

While he was in this state, Rasulullah SAW commissioned him with the greatest mission of his life, which was to be his envoy to Al-Madinah.
His mission was to instruct the Ansar who believed in Rasulullah and had pledged their allegiance to him at 'Aqabah, to call others to Islam, and to prepare Al-Madinah for the day of the great Hijrah.

In the battle of Uhud, Musab-bin-d stood at his post like a rock.
An enemy soldier came and cut off his hand with a sword, so that the flag might fall down and proclaim defeat for the Muslims.
Musab-bin-Umair (RAA) at once grabbed the flag in the other hand. The enemy soldier then slashed the other hand.
Musab-bin-Umair (RAA) still stood clinging the flag to his bosom with the help of his bleeding arms.
Lastly, an enemy arrow pierced through him, and Musab-bin-Umair (RAA) fell dead on the battlefield. But as long as he was alive, he did not let the flag go down. Immediately, another Muslim ran and took over the flag.

Before dying he said his famous words, that later Allah revealed in the Quran:

Muhammad is not but a messenger. [Other] messengers have passed on before him. So if he was to die or be killed, would you turn back on your heels [to unbelief]? (3:144)

After the battle,when Rasulullah (SAW) saw the martyrs, he felt deep pain and sorrow at the number of his companions who were killed at the Battle of Uhud. These included his uncle Hamzah RA whose body was horribly mutilated.

But it was over the body of Mus’ab RA that Rasulullah SAW stood, with great emotion.

He remembered Musab RA  as he first saw him in Makkah, stylish and elegant, and then looked at the short burdah which was now the only garment he possessed and he recited the verse of the Quran:

 "Among the believers are men who have been true to what they have pledged to Allah."

Rasulullah SAW  then cast his tender eyes over the battle field on which lay the dead companions of Mus’ab RA and said:

"The Messenger of Allah  testifies that you are martyrs in the sight of Allah on the day of Qiyamah."

Then he gave a sad look at the garment in which he was shrouded and said,

'I saw you at Makkah, and there was not a more precious jewel, nor more distinguished one than you, and here you are bare- headed in a garment!’

Then turning to the living companions around him he said:

"O People! Visit them; send peace on them for, by Him in whose hand is my soul, any Muslim who sends peace on them until the day of Qiyamah, they would return the salutation of peace."

Once an individual develops faith, it makes the individual forget everything else, whether be it wealth, luxury or life itself.
Musab-bin-Umair (RAA), a true hero and one of the great martyrs was one such of greatest examples.

Musab sacrificed all the wealth and 
luxuries he was brought up in for the sake of Allah and his Messenger (pbuh), for Islam. And that too at the time, when he was a young man, a teenager, having been accustomed to all of the riches throughout his growing years. Sacrificing them for seeking the truth is what led him to be among the legends of Islam.

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