The Story Of Abu Qudama And The Boy

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When news of an army that had prepared on the horizons to wipe out Islam reached Abu Qudaamah Ash-Shaamee, he moved quickly to the mimbar of the masjid.

In a powerful and emotional speech, Abu Qudaamah ignited the desire of the community to defend their land – jihaad for the sake of Allah.

As he left the masjid, walking down a dark and secluded alley, a woman stopped him and said,

“As salamu alaykum wa Rahmatullaah!”

Abu Qudaamah stopped and did not answer. She repeated her salam again, adding “this is not how pious people should act.” She stepped forward from the shadows. 

I heard you in the masjid encouraging the believers to go for jihaad and all I have is this…

She handed him two long braids. “It can be used for a horse rein. Perhaps Allah may write me as one of those who went for jihaad.”

The next day as that Muslim village set out to confront the crusader army, a young boy ran through the gathering and stood at the hooves of Abu Qudaamah’s horse and said,

"I implore you, in the name of Allah, to take me with you on the Jihad for the sake of Allah."

Abu Qudama said:

"You are but a child, and cannot carry a weapon."

The boy said:
I implore you, in the name of Allah, Abu Qudama. My mother has given me as a gift to Allah. Do not return the gift.

Abu Qudama said:
I will take you on one condition.

The boy said:
On what condition?

Abu Qudama said:

If Allah decrees that you be martyred, you should vouch for me before Allah.

The boy said: You got it. I will vouch for you before Allah, if he decrees that I be martyred. 


Abu Qudama says:

One day, the boy went to prepare food. He was late coming back, so I went to see that he was safe. I discovered that the boy had lit the fire, placed the pot on it, and fallen asleep next to the fire. I looked at the boy, and saw that he was smiling. Then he smiled some more. Then he began to laugh until he woke up. 

Abu Qudama said:

What was that about, boy?

The boy said: To Allah we belong, and to Him we return. By Allah, Abu Qudama, my mother considered me [a martyr] next to Allah. My father was martyred last year, and my brother and uncle the year before that. My mother has presented me as a gift to Allah this year. 


The boy said:

While I was asleep, I dreamt that the Resurrection had occurred, and that Allah had ordered me to enter Paradise.
The boy continued...
When I entered Paradise, I saw a scented bouquet of black-eyed virgins, whose beauty I could never even begin to describe, Abu Qudama. By Allah, I could never even begin to describe their beauty, Abu Qudama. 

One of them looked at me, and said:

This is the husband of Al-Mardhiya. I asked her who Al-Mardhiya was, and she said: Don't you know her?
I said that I didn't.

She said: She is your wife in Paradise. I asked her: Where is Al-Mardhiya? She pointed to one of the palaces of Paradise, and said:
In that palace. Go inside, so you can see Al-Mardhiya. 

The boy said: I knocked on the palace door, and went in. I saw a black-eye virgin. I swear, Abu Qudama, if Allah had not ordained that we should not be blind in [Paradise], I would have become blind from the light radiating from her face. If Allah had not ordained that we should not be blind in Paradise, I would have become blind from the light radiating from her face. If Allah had not ordained that we keep our sanity, I would have gone mad from the intensity of her beauty. 

I asked her: Are you Al-Mardhiya? She said: Yes, my love. I have been raised for you in the palaces of Paradise for the past 500 years.

When I tried to touch her with my hand, she said: No. May Allah spare you the disgrace and the depravity. We have a date tomorrow, after the noon prayer, in the Paradise of the All-Merciful God. 

Dearly beloved, Abu Qudama said:

At the exact time set by the black-eyed virgin, the boy said to me: By Allah, give me three arrows. I said: You will waste them. The boy said: Allah willing, I won't. The boy took the three arrows and put them in his quiver. 

During the Jihad, he said:

"May God be with you, Abu Qudama," and he shot one arrow, killing a Byzantine soldier. Then he said it again, shot another arrow, and killed another Byzantine soldier. Then he said it a third time, shot another arrow, and killed a third Byzantine soldier. Then the Byzantines saw him and killed him. 

The boy fell from his horse, and when Abu Qudama saw him, stained with the blood of martyrdom, he dismounted from his horse behind the boy, and said: Boy, don't forget your pledge.

The boy said: I will not forget. I will vouch for you before God. 

The boy said: By God, Abu Qudama, I ask you to take this shirt, stained with the blood of martyrdom, and bring it to my mother.

Abu Qudama said: Who is your mother, boy?
The boy said: My mother is the woman who gave you the two braids. Allahhhhhhh. My mother is the woman who gave you the two braids.

Yes, one generation after another was brought up to obey Allah, on glory, and on fighting for the sake of the religion of Allah. 

Abu Qudama said: When the Jihad was over, I went to the village of the boy's mother.

The mother said: Give me the good news.

Abu Qudama said: By Allah, he died fighting. He died killing three Byzantine soldiers. He killed them and was killed.

May Allah's mercy be upon him. He sent you this shirt, stained with the blood of martyrdom, and said:

Rejoice, oh mother. Your gift has been accepted, and Al-Mardhiya has been wedded to me in God's Paradise. 

When his sister heard the news, she dropped dead. The mother looked at her daughter and said:

Blessed be Allah, who has not sent any offspring of mine to the Hellfire. 

Think about this Muslimah. How did she reach this level of taqwa where she would sacrifice her hair and children ?

Indeed, she spent her life in the obedience of Allah, and when exam time came, she passed.

Not only did she pass herself, but her children shone with that same beauty of eman; children that she herself raised. 

Without doubt the true believers are only those who have faith in Allah and His Messenger (Muhammad) and then do not change their belief into doubt, and (the believers are those) who struggle with their wealth and their lives in the way of Allah. Surely it is these people alone who are the truthful ones.

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