Mercy towards animals

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Ibn Mas'ud reports,

"While we were on a journey with God's Messenger, he went a short distance from where we had encamped.
There we saw a small bird with two of its birdlings and caught them.
The bird was fluttering when the Prophet came back and so he asked,

'Who has distressed it by taking its chicks ?'

Then he asked us to return the chicks.

There we also saw an ant-hill and burnt it out. When the Prophet saw he asked,
'Who has burnt it ?'

When we informed him that we had done it, he said,

'Only the Lord of fire has the right to punish with fire.'

'Abdullah b. J'afar narrated the incident that once the Prophet entered the enclosure of an Ansari where there was a camel which started groaning on catching sight of the Prophet, tears running down its eyes.

The Prophet went near it, patted on its hump and face which set it at ease.

Then the Apostle asked who its owner was.
The Ansari youngmen came and said:

"O Messenger of God, it belongs to me."

The Prophet said to him,

"Do you not fear God in the matter of this beast although He has made you its owner? It complained to me that you bore hard upon it and always kept it at work."

The Apostle forbade his companions to keep the dumb creatures hungry or thirsty, to disturb or to overburden them. He commended that kindliness and putting them at ease were meritorious acts tending to bring man nearer to God.

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