Stolen the true treasure

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Malik bin Dinar was an Islamic preacher belonging to Basra. He dedicated his life for Islam and to walk on the path of Allah as he told in the Holy Quran.

Traditions show him as a person near to Islam. He is still a very famous personality among Muslims.

Once upon a time, a Thief got into his house

Malik Ibn Dinar was praying when a thief got into his house after climbing the wall. Thief searched for things but found nothing. When Malik ibn Dinar got a feeling that someone is near him, he finished his prayer quickly.

After finishing his prayer, Malik Dinar realized that the thief found nothing and was empty-handed. Malik did not get scared, but greeted the thief with Assalam o Alikum!

He then said may Allah forgive you, but you had come here to take away things but you found nothing. I will never leave you from my house with empty-handed.

Theif was shocked to see such behavior from him.

He stood up, went to another part of the room, and came back with a jug full of water. He looked into the eyes of the burglar and said,

“Make ablution and perform two units of prayer, for if you do so, you will leave my home with a greater treasure than you had initially sought when you entered it.”

Much humbled by Maalik’s manners and words, the thief said,

Yes, that is a generous offer indeed.”

After making ablution and performing two units of prayer, the burglar said,

O Maalik, would you mind if I stayed for a while, for I want to stay to perform two more units of prayer?”

Maalik said,

Stay for whatever amount of prayer Allah decrees for you to perform now.

The thief ended up spending the entire night at Maalik’s house. He continued to pray until the morning. Then Maalik said,

Leave now and be good.”

But instead of leaving, the thief said,

Would you mind if I stayed here with you today, for I have made an intention to fast the day?

Stay as long as you wish,” said Maalik.

The burglar ended up staying for a number of days, praying during the late hours of each night and fasting throughout the duration of each day. When he finally decided to leave, the burglar said,

O Maalik, I have made a firm resolve to repent for my sins and for my former way of life.

Maalik said,

Indeed, that is in the Hand of Allah.”

The man did mend his ways and began to lead a life of righteousness and obedience to Allah. Later on, He came across another burglar he knew. [His friend] said to him,

Have you found your treasure yet?”

He said,

My brother, what I found is Maalik bin Dinaar. I went to steal from him, but it was he who ended up stealing my heart. I have indeed repented to Allah, and I will remain at the door [of His Mercy and Forgiveness] until I achieve what his obedient, loving slaves have achieved.

[al-Mawaa’idh wal-Majaalis: 85- stories of repentance]

- This story tells the importance of humbleness which inspired the thief.

- It also shows, how a good company can bring a person on track.

-  It also reminds us that the true treasure is indeed in seeking the pleasure of Allah...

Prophet Muhammad (saws)said:

The example of a good companion (friend) in comparison with a bad one is like that of one who sells musk and the blacksmith.  From the first, you would either buy musk or enjoy its good smell, while from the blacksmith you would either get burned or smell a bad scent.

Content yourself with those who pray to their Lord morning and evening, seeking His approval, and do not let your eyes turn away from them out of desire for the attractions of this worldly life, and do not yield to those whose hearts We have made heedless of Our remembrance, those who follow their own low desires, those whose ways are unbridled.” (Quran 18:28)

The enjoyment of ˹worldly˺ desires—women, children, treasures of gold and silver, fine horses, cattle, and fertile land—has been made appealing to people. These are the pleasures of this worldly life, but with Allah is the finest destination.

Earthly treasure is temporary but true treasure comes from the pleasure of Allah.
Allah the Almighty states that you must remember that the life of this world is not everything as the real life is the one in the hereafter.

Therefore, it is necessary for one to forge a relationship with Allah the Almighty and to adhere to His commandments in order to seek His pleasure and a prosperous end.

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