Migration for the sake of Allah

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Do you know which first family migrated for the sake of Allah after the Prophets?

Let me tell you about them.

This couple was known as one of the most beautiful couple during the time of the Prophet ﷺ. The man was a very handsome yet modest person and one of the most successful traders amongst the Quraysh. The woman was from the household of the Prophet ﷺ himself, as she was one of his daughters.

Yes, I am talking about Uthman Ibn Affan and Ruqayyah Bint Muhammad Radiyallahu Anhum. This marriage was so blessed, it was said that the Prophet ﷺ was instructed by Allah to marry Ruqayyah to 'Uthman.
He ﷺ said: "Allah has intimated me by way of revelation that I should marry my beloved Ruqayyah to 'Uthman Ibn Affan"

Due to this, the Makkans (Quraysh) did not attend the marriage ceremony. Rather, they started to plot against 'Uthman Radiyallahu Anhu.

So then the torture and mistreatment of the Muslims began to the point that the Prophet ﷺ had to urge some of the Muslims to migrate to Abyssinia. Hence, we find the first household that migrated for the sake of Allah, after the Prophets, was of 'Uthman's.

The small caravan which consisted of 12 men and 4 or 5 women was led by 'Uthman himself. The migration was both heartbreaking and needed. Stories narrate that the way Ruqayyah bid her family farewell was so emotional because of the thought that it might be their last time seeing each other. Migrating brought along with it danger as the Quraysh eventually found out and sent out men to chase them but Allah saved the caravan of 'Uthman Radiyallahu Anhu.

They reached Abyssinia safe and sound and there is a separate story for that. We also should realize that 'Uthman and Ruqayyah migrated not only once for the sake of Allah but thrice where the last was to Madinah where Ruqayyah eventually passed away.

Why did I share this story? I believe one of the reasons why 'Uthman and Ruqayyah were chosen to be married is because of this - that we could go back to their story to learn from them if ever we are put in a situation where we find it hard to practice Islam and live peacefully in where we are currently living.

We have to take note that 'Uthman could have stayed, he had power and protection as he was from Banu Umayyah. Moreover, he was a successful trader and was a wealthy man - yet because there was danger in him practicing his faith openly and freely - he chose to leave that life and migrate.

Ruqayyah also could have stayed, she was from the household of the Prophet ﷺ and this time they still had protection from Banu Hisham and Abu Talib was still alive, yet it is not easy when you are also a Muslim woman who is being opressed to practice your deen. It was not easy for her to just leave a life with her parents and family but she knew she was a wife as well, and her place is together with her husband.

These actions of theirs are an epitome of how Islam was so dear to them that they were able to sacrifice their homes, property and businesses for the sake that they can practice Islam freely and worship Allah openly.

As Muslims, we have to find a safe environment and a place for us to live so we may practice Islam freely - and this becomes more apparent especially when you are blessed with kids. It is our responsibility to provide for them a place where they can nurture their imaan and seek knowledge.


Al Sirah | Ibn Hisham 1/364
• Al Sirah Al Nabawiyah 743 | Abu Al Fida Ismail Ibn Umar Ibn Kathir

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