Allah is watching you

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Hatem Al Assam was a very wise person, known for his great trust onto Allah. 

He used to attend a class where the teacher showed plenty of kindness and favouritism towards him. The teacher seemed to like him so much. He always gave Haatim some special attention whenever he was in class. The other students of the class started to notice that Haatim was treated better by the teacher than any of them. They were of course not happy.

So, they complained to the teacher one day,

Sir, you are treating Haatim better than any of us. It’s not fair! We should all be treated equally by you.”

The teacher knew that this was correct. He was treating Haatim better as Haatim was his favourite student. But the teacher had a good reason for this. He knew that his students were not on an equal level as Haatim, in terms of Taqwa and mannerisms. The teacher wanted to prove to the students why Haatim was his favourite.

So one day, the teacher brought a live chicken for each and every one of his students.

He said, “OK, so, I have a task for you, my dear students. Remember the lesson on slaughtering? I want you to go to somewhere where no one can see you and slaughter your chicken.”

The students all thought that this was a very interesting assignment. They all went away to their individual secret locations and came back after some time with their slaughtered chickens, except for Haatim.

Everyone looked at Haatim who was still holding his live chicken. It looked as if Haatim had failed his assignment.

The teacher asked Haatim, “Why didn’t you slaughter your chicken, my dear student?”

Haatim replied, “Well, you told me to go where no one can see me. But everywhere I went, Allah can see me.”


How many people would actually remember this? When we are told, go to somewhere where no one can see us. How many people think of Allah azzawajal?

People usually think of other human beings seeing them. People usually think of other human beings walking upon them. And so people usually lock their doors, close their windows and curtains. They turn off the lights. They make sure there are no CCTV cameras. And they don’t notice, or worse, they don’t care, that Allah (swt) is watching them.


The most important of all the witnesses is Allah. And yet, how many of us realise this?

The righteous people used to say*, “Do not look at how small the sin is. But look at the greatness of the One you are sinning against.” If only we can see that.

It’s not about the sin that you are committing.

It’s about WHO you are committing it in front of. And who is it?

It is Allah (swt).

Let’s not forget. The Day of Resurrection is very close.

One of the names of the Day of Resurrection that is mentioned in the Quran and Sunnah is the “Day upon which the witnesses will arise”. The scholars ask, why did Allah give it such a name? Well… The Day of Judgement is the day where ALL the witness will come forward. There will be so many witnesses for you or against you on the Day of Resurrection.

First and foremost, the best of witnesses is who? It is none other than Allah (swt).

Allah knows what we conceal. And He knows what we reveal. Allah (swt) can even see the footsteps of a black ant on a black stone on a black night!

Allah azzawajal is the first and the most important of all the witnesses over our deeds. For that reason, Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was asked about the highest level of Imaan (faith). He replied,
The highest level of Imaan is ‘Ihsaan’.” What is Ihsaan? Ihsaan is that you worship Allah as if you can see him. But if you can’t do that level, then at least remember that Allah sees you!

And this is how the righteous ones before us behaved. They tried to always remember the fact that Allah is always watching over them.

**Othman ibn Affan (r.a.)** who, whenever he removed his clothing to shower, he would be feeling so ashamed that Allah swt will be seeing him unclothed. He was so embarrassed to be in that state. How many of us would even think about that? SubhaanAllah.

We usually just forget that Allah is watching over us even when we are showering! SubhaanAllah!

In conclusion, let’s try to be more careful with all or at least most of our actions, shall we? Let’s all try harder to remember that the Day of Judgement is coming and the witnesses will all come forth. And the best of all witnesses is, certainly, Allah!

Allah is watching us.

All the time.

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