Don't be afraid to learn and accept

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It is quite sad nowadays that people of knowledge are either being ridiculed or bashed by the so called internet warriors. By Allah, these people spent almost all their lives seeking knowledge yet these people have the guts to ridicule them. So, if you are one or you know one - please read ahead.

It’s long but it is worth it.

Let me clarify, I don’t want to start any debate or so with this post rather I want to narrate a story to you regarding how seeking knowledge or researching about an issue could lead or guide you to accepting the truth.


It’s a story about one of the most intelligent companions of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ Dhimam Ibn Tha’labah Radiyallahu Anhu.

But before anything else I better narrate his first encounter with our beloved Prophet Muhammad .

In the region of Najd, a village is known for their intelligence with inquisitive natures (it was said that they were very curious that with every answer you have they have a follow up question).
One day, the Prophet Muhammad  sent out some of the sahabah to preach about Tawheed in this village.

It was a long day of question and answer sessions as we may call it these days but subhan’Allah since the sahabah were very welcoming as well as good in answering all their queries, the people of this village obtained a great deal of knowledge about Islam.

However, the intellects of this village still had lingering questions so they gathered one day and decided to send an envoy to Madinah to meet with the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ so that they can ask him for the answers to their questions directly.

And this is where Dhimam comes in - they sent him as their envoy - the best amongst them.

And this is where Dhimam comes in - they sent him as their envoy - the best amongst them

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So, who was Dhimam?

He belonged to the tribe of Bani Sa’ad of the Najd region. Dhimam was a proficient speaker, rhetorician (orator) in the Classical Arabic language.

It was said that whenever he spoke, his audience would listen to him in awe and anyone who met him would automatically like him. He possessed not only a great mind but also a well mannered soul. Hence, he was the perfect choice to send as envoy.

So when Dhimam arrived in Madinah, he directly went and looked for the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ - and when he found him, he - with his Bedouin manner - “O son of Abdul Muttalib, I want to ask you something and I will be hard in questioning, so do not get angry.”

And subhan’Allah, look at how our beloved Prophet Muhammad ﷺ answered him: “Ask whatever you want.” (meaning ask and I will answer anything without being angry or impatient)

An excerpt from some of his questions:

“Who created the sky?” Prophet Muhammad ﷺ replied “Allah”.
“Who created the earth?” Prophet Muhammad ﷺ replied “Allah”.
“Who created the mountains?” Prophet Muhammad ﷺ replied “Allah”.
“By the One who created the sky, the earth and erected the mountains, did Allah send you?” Prophet Muhammad ﷺ replied “Yes”.

He then continued asking more about Islam, then after sometime he pronounced the shahada and entered into the fold of Islam.

After the long Q & A, you know what the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ said about Dhimam? He said: “Whoever wants to see a man from the people of Paradise should look at this man (Dhimam)”.

Dhimam then returned to Bani Sa’ad (one of the Hawazin tribes who used to worship Al Lat and Al Uzza). When the people saw him, they welcomed him and  the first thing he did was admonish their idols and took that opportunity itself to invite his people to Islam by announcing his shahadah and conveying what he has learnt from the Prophet Muhammad .

By Allah, it was said that that very evening itself that every man and woman in that village accepted Islam.


Take a moment and reflect from this story. Look at how Dhimam was - curious but never did he ridicule nor treated the Prophet Muhammad  with ill manner or admonishment - and to think what he is asking is something very new or never been heard of in their lands.

Now think of how we are when it comes to difference of opinions - we were given and explained with guidelines yet when we differ from opinions we ridicule each other or bash those who are of knowledge calling them names or so.

And again, look at how our beloved Prophet Muhammad ﷺ was in addressing and answering Dhimam - nothing but respect, politeness and healthy discussion.

My dear brothers and sisters in Islam, I hope this story helps each one of us to recheck how we are when we are dealt with issues regarding our deen. Every issue can be resolved through healthy discussions. Respect each other - we are Muslims and Allah Azza wa All has given us the perfect example to follow, our beloved Prophet Muhammad .

Take every opportunity to invite people to Islam. It matters, even by the way you dress or how you treat others - in the smallest ways, your deeds, your smile - it goes a long way.

Be like Dhimam, he wasn’t afraid to learn and accept what was the truth - he brought out all his curiosity and look what he found at the end - Islam, and what an honor it is to be a Muslim!


May Allah make us all people who will invite people to His deen through our simple ways and continue to guide us and bless us with the guidance that we are all in need of.




Story was taken from:
• Sahih Al Bukhari, Hadith 63
• Al Sabah fi Ma’rifat As Sahabah 3/195
• Majmu’ Al Fatawa by Ibn Taymiyyah 4/366-368
• Al Isti’ab fi Ma’rifat Al Ashab p. 379 - 380

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