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Abu Dharr, the leader of the tribe of Ghifar, and one who accepted Islam in its early days, narrates:

Once I was conversing with Bilal. Our conversation gave way to a dispute. Angry with him, the following insult burst from my mouth:
'You cannot comprehend this, O son of a black woman!'

As Islam expressly forbade all kinds of racial, tribal and colour discrimination, Bilal was both upset and greatly angered.

A while later, a man came and told the incident to the Messenger of God, and prophet Muhammad questioned Abu dharr,

'I have been informed that you addressed Bilal as the son of a black woman.'

I was deeply ashamed and could say nothing.
God's Messenger continued his reprimand:

'This means you still retain the standards and judgements of the pre-Islamic days of ignorance. Islam has eradicated all those false standards or measures judging people by blood, fame, colour or wealth.
It has established that the best and most honourable of men is he who is the most pious and upright in conduct.
Is it right to defame a believer just because he is black?'

Abu Dharr felt profound remorse. He went straight to Bilal's house and, putting his head on the threshold, said:
'This head will not rise from here until the blessed feet of Bilal tread on the face of foolish, impolite Abu Dharr.'

Bilal responded:
'That face deserves to be kissed, not trodden upon', and forgave Abu Dharr.

The ideal of equality and human brotherhood is explicitly enjoined in the Qur'an and discrimination on the basis of nation or race (tribe) is explicitly rejected:

"O mankind! We created you of a man and woman and made you into nations and tribes so that you may know one another. The best and most honoured of you in the sight of God is the most pious and God-fearing among you. Surely God is the All-Knowing, the All-Aware."(49:13)

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