Serving your community with modesty

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Have you ever heard about the first ever Muslim nurse?

The battles that took place during the time of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ  the female companions would tend to the wounded, bring water and take care of them, yet there was one lady who stood out during these times.

She was Rufaydah Al Aslamiyyah Radiyallahu Anha. She was from a family of medical experts from Banu Aslam of the Khazraj - her father Sa’ad Al Aslamiyyah was a physician - where she was able to gain knowledge regarding medical field.

She was one of the first people in Madina to accept Islam. After gaining knowledge about medicine - she dedicated herself in serving the sick and taking care of the orphans. She was very generous and never took consultation fees and would actually spend for her patients’ needs.

Yet, you may ask - how is it that she stood out amongst the other female companions - because of her tent. There were women who tended to the wounded and gave first aid to them but there was a tent where the injured and those who need further assistance in their injuries or what we say critical conditions were sent. 

This tent was known as Rufaydah’s tent. It was like the moving medical tent during that time due to the fact that this tent was almost present in all the battles.

One of the most prominent event that happened is known to be the incident with Sa’ad Ibn Mu’adh Radiyallahu Anu when he was struck by an arrow - and the Prophet ﷺ ordered that he be taken to Rufaydah’s tent.

Her tent became the first ever medical camp, she actually did not just nursed the Muslims but even conducted surgeries. She was the best nurse and surgeon during her time.

It was also said that she has mentored a number of known female companions such as Aisha, Umm Sulaym and Umm Ayman Radiyallahu Anhum.


Whenever I hear about these out reach programs where they set up medical camps and give free medical check ups in these remote areas - I get reminded of Rufaydah. This was her legacy - yet very few of us know about this Muslim lady.

My dear sister in Islam - now don’t tell me because you are not knowledgeable in the field of medicine then you cannot fulfill the communal obligation upon you. Rufaydah’s life is an person and inspiration for you to follow.

You do not need to be a nurse to fulfill this. Serving community - there are a lot of events that can be done. You can host a ladies gathering where you invite a female Muslim scholar to speak about women in Islam. You can volunteer in out reach programs, feeding programs and even Islamic programs.

Yet, I want to remind you that the likes of Rufaydah did their parts for the community bearing modesty and respect. They observed proper hijab during these events.

So this should remind you also that how you carry yourself within your community should be done in lines abiding to modesty and self-respect. It does not mean that its for community that you also mingle and have idle talks with the opposite gender.


And we ask Allah to open our doors to help others in our communities with the best of our abilities as well as open our hearts to become sincere in our deeds and charity.




Story was taken from:

• Al Bukhari, Al-Adab Al-Mufrad 
• Fath Al Bari 8/419

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