Angry mothers Du'a made me Imam of the Haram

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This Is Amazing!

'Angry mothers Du'a made me Imam of the Haram!'

Imam Al-Kalbaani - former Imam of the Ka'bah, at a conference in London told this amazing story:

When he was young, he was a very naughty boy and he would make his mother very angry. But his mother (may Allah bless her) was a very righteous woman and she knew the power of Du'a.

She made it her habit that, in her anger at him, she would say this Du'a:

'May Allah guide You! And make you the Imam of the Ka'bah!'

Imam Al-Kalbani said, 'so Allah answered her du'a and I went on to become the Imam of the Ka'bah!'

Imam Adil Kalbani is the son of a poor immigrant from the Persian Gulf. In an interview with The New York Times, Imam Kalbani said:

'Leading prayers at the Grand Mosque is an extraordinary honor, usually reserved for pure-blooded Arabs from the Saudi heartland.' 

So he was taken aback when he came to know that King Abdullah had chosen him as the first black Imam of Masjid al-Haram (in recent times), he added. Masha Allah!

Lesson: Never underestimate the power of Du'a, for indeed, underestimating the power of Du'a is tantamount to underestimating the power of the One who fulfills it.

Du'a’ (supplication) is an incredible power that many of us sometimes don’t fully comprehend—because if we did, we would do whatever is necessary to get our du'a’s answered.

Sometimes our du'a’s are answered immediately and sometimes they take much longer than we expect. 
Also know that the dua of the parent is not rejected, so make a good Du'a!

However, when made properly, du'a’ can transform our lives and bring about miraculous results.

In order to get our du'a’s answered we must fully comprehend the dynamics behind du'a’.

Firstly, we must have complete certainty (yaqeen) that Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala (Glorified and Exalted is He) will answer our prayer. There should be absolutely no doubt in our minds that Allah (swt) is listening to our du'a’s and is capable of answering them.

We must also be careful not to lose hope in our du'a’ and become impatient when we don’t see the results we want. We need to continuously remind ourselves that the key to getting our du'a’s answered is by being persistent in our du'a’.

And most importantly, we must make sure that there isn’t a sin we are committing that we haven’t repented sincerely from, as our sins can be the first thing that can get in the way of our du'a’s being accepted—especially if the sin includes earning a living through unlawful means.

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