Start establishing Islam within your homes

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We find many Muslim parents these days more keen on the worldly affairs of their kids rather than their deen.

We barely hear lines "my dear, it's time for prayer, let us go and pray." or "read the Qur'an after you finish your dinner"

We barely hear that, in some houses, you never hear it. Astagfirullah.


Establish Islam within your houses. Start early, everything starts within our homes.

The Sahabah RA (after the death of the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wassalaam) used to assign each other on different aspects or fundamentals of Islam, one would be the muadhdhin, one be the Imaam, one would be assigned for the troops and so on.

This was a practice that they've done not only within their homes but also within the Muslim community. When 'Umar Ibn Al Khattab RA was the Ameer ul Mu'mineen, he used to write to his governors always and always reminding them of their akhirah, that this should not be ever neglected while pursuing victories and dealing with their worldly affairs.

One of his letters to his governors, he wrote:

"The most important of your affairs in my view is prayer; whoever prays regularly has protected his faith, but whoever neglects it is bound to be more negligent in other issues in faith."

He ('Umar R A) always emphasized to his governors the importance of establishing regular prayer among the people, as he said: "We have appointed you to establish regular prayer and teach them knowledge and the Qur'an." Then 'Umar would state in his letters of appointment that so and so was in charge of the prayer, the troops.

For example, 'Umar RA appointed 'Ammar Ibn Yasir in charge of the prayer and the troops, while 'Abd'Allah Ibn Mas'ud was in charge of the judiciary and the bayt al mal.

So if you come and think of it, 'Umar would appoint assignments (like chores) but he would always remind of the importance of deen and the acts of worship before anything else.

Why can't we become like how 'Umar RA would manage things within our homes?

One beautiful character of the Sahabah that reminds me when I hear these things is the way they would say Alhamdulillah even when calamities come to them

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One beautiful character of the Sahabah that reminds me when I hear these things is the way they would say Alhamdulillah even when calamities come to them. Why? because they thank Allah that the calamity was put on their worldly affairs and not in their deen for one who loses his deen has lost both worlds.

We react in a way like life has taken a toll in us when a calamity strikes us in our worldly affairs yet when it is about our deen we take it for granted, just like how we take for granted our offsprings.

I do not ask you to be super strict on your kids, but remind them of their deen as much as you would remind them of how you love them.

Don't lose your kid and more especially don't let your kid lose both of this world because of you.

And we pray Allah helps us and enlightens the hearts of our offsprings to accept and commit religiously through our examples, as parents. Amin

Zohayma (stories of the sahabah Tumblr)

Stories were taken from

• At Tareeqah Al Hakamiyah, p. 240
• Al Wilayah 'ala Al-Buldan, 2/67
• Al Ahkam as Sultaniyah, p. 33
• Naseehat Al Mulook, p. 72

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