Story behind chapter Al Munafiqun

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Surah Al Munafiqun is a Madani surah, which scholars of the Qur'an say that it is a surah revealed after the hijrah of the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wassalaam). This surah was revealed to honour of a 11-year-old boy named Zaid ibn Arqam RA.

Before the revelation of this surah, an incident took place within the army of the Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu Alaihi Wassalaam) as they are heading back to Madinah.

A man from the Muhajirun, Jarjah/Jehjah Ibn Mas’ud Ghifari RA, (the ones who migrated from Makkah) had a dispute with a man from the Ansar, Sinan Ibn Wabar Al Juhani RA, (the people from Madinah) - and this dispute rapidly escalated that it gathered and split the Muslims into two factions (the Muhajirun and the Ansar). 

Hence, Abdullah Ibn Ubayy (the one they call the father of the Munafiqun and the chief of the Khazraj tribe) gathered the Ansar while the Prophet Muhammad (Salallahu Alaihi Wassalaam) gathered the Muhajirun.

The Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu Alaihi Wassalaam) spoke to the Muhajirun telling them to let go of this little dispute and that they are all brothers in Islam so they should not fight amongst each other.

Meanwhile, at the other corner - Abdullah Ibn Ubayy started to poison the minds of the Ansar by giving a very vicious speech regarding how the Muhajirun disrespect them despite them giving them help and sharing their livelihood and wealth with them. He was trying to turn the hearts of the Ansar away from their brothers. Amidst this hostile ambiance, there was an 11-year-old boy named Zaid Ibn Arqam RA.

Zaid Ibn Arqam then went to his uncle who was with the Muhajirun and told his uncle about this speech of Abdullah Ibn Ubayy. So his uncle informed the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wassalaam), and after speaking with his companions, he called out for Abdullah Ibn Ubayy to ask him regarding this.

Abdullah Ibn Ubayy came with some of his people, and when the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wassalaam) asked him of his speech, he started to defend himself at the top of his lungs. He was arguing as to whom said such lies about him and that why would the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wassalaam) take a word of a young boy against his word. He blabbered and blabbered while swearing and making oaths that he didn’t say such things.

In the end, the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wassalaam) didn’t argue back to Abdullah and just asked him to go.

Now, to make it clear for you, when all of these happened - Zaid was outside the tent - so he did not witness what was happening nor did he hear anything. So when Abdullah went out of the tent without being reprimanded or such, Zaid felt very bad thinking that the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wassalaam) did not believe him for he was just a mere child. Hence, he silently went back to his tent and curled up crying.

After this, Surah Al Munafiqun was revealed. So the first thing that the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wassalaam) did was to call for Zaid Ibn Arqam.

When Zaid came, He (Sallallahu Alaihi Wassalaam) sat in front of him, laid his hands on his laps (just how a father would comfort his child), and started reciting Surah Al Munafiqun to Zaid. So yes, it was Zaid Ibn Arqam who first heard this surah before anyone else.

After that, the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wassalaam) said to Zaid that Allah revealed a surah to prove that you are telling the truth. Subhan'Allah! Imagine, Allah being your witness! It is said that one of the reasons this surah was revealed was to comfort the sentiments of a young slave of Allah who was Zaid Ibn Arqam!

My brothers and sisters in Islam, doesn’t this tell you how Allah hears and knows everything and how he is there for all of us! Allah even quoted the same words of Zaid Ibn Arqam in this surahLook at how Allah honors His truthful slaves and look at how he humiliates those who turn people away from Islam!

Imagine this honor that was given to Zaid! Imagine every Muslim who reads the Qur'an also testifies to the truthfulness that this young boy embodied. What an honor it is to be amongst the truthful ones!


My dear brothers and sisters, we should learn significantly from this beautiful story of Zaid Ibn Arqam. Honor comes from Allah, so be sure to honor Allah with being truthful as well!

Be careful of your words; be keen on using them. Work on your character so much that when you speak, people will believe you in an instant because of your personality and because you are a Muslim!

This story is a reminder for all of us that Muslims should take care of their words and that we should always stay truthful in everything that we do, not because of people but because Allah always hears and knows everything! So Fear Allah, and be constant in your remembrance of Him!

May Allah keep us all steadfast in the deen and continue to guide and bless us and make us amongst the truthful ones! Amin


Stories were taken from:

[1] Sahih Al Bukhari no. 4617 | Sahih Muslim no. 2772
[2] An Nawawi, Sharh Sahih Muslim 17/120

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