The faith of Az-Zinneerah Radiyallahu Anhu

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During the time of the Sahabah Radiyallahu Anhum, there was this woman who was known for her tolerance, for her trust in Allaah Azza Wa Jall, tho most of them are known for these qualities, what makes this woman stand out is that never for a moment did she ask or blamed anyone for her sufferings rather she would fight back in her prayers and soft words to those who oppress her,

I am talking about Az-Zinneerah Radiyallahu Anhu. She was one woman who was tortured so much just because she was Muslim and refused to change her religion and become a polytheist.

The way she was being tortured was so severe that eventually she lost her eye sight and upon knowing this, the people who torture her started to chant and cheer: “Al-Lat and Al'Uzza have taken away her sight.” and they were rejoicing.

But imagine the struggle that Az-Zinneerah was going through that very moment, she was suffering from such torments from her oppressors and darkness filled her entire sight, did she become depressed? did she lose hope?

She did not! Wallah, instead she kept saying: “It is not true (that the two idols took her eyesight), by Allaah!”

And this very trust in Allaah Azza Wa Jall became the reason that Allaah Azza Wa Jall returned her sight back to her! Allahu'akbar!

Many of us might have lost hope after being put in such situation, but look at this woman, rather than being all depressed and giving up, she stood up and defended herself, in her prayers, in her worship and look how Allaah Azza Wa Jall rewarded her! Allahu'akbar!

Az-Zinneerah was a woman of piety, this is just a glimpse of her inspirational life story. I pray we all, brother or a sister in deen, get to reflect from her story and may Allaah Azza Wa Jall make us among those who puts their trust solely in Him.


-Umm Umar Khaled

Excerpt from the Glimpses of the lives of righteous people, p.86

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