Not a talk but a character speak volumes

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Indeed, life in this world is very short. If you come and think of it most of the people only reach around 60-70 years of age. So, think wisely of how you will use this short life span Allah has given and blessed you.

However, I wanted you to take some time out of your day today and just sit back and reflect then ask yourself - "How have I been doing towards my old folks or the old aged relatives of mine?"

Do you visit them or even call them perhaps?

We have to realize that these people used to take care of us and now it is a respectful gesture to take care of them - they need and yearn for affection and care just as how they used to give all of it to us.

With that, I will be sharing one instance in the life of Adiyy Ibn Hatim Radiyallahu Anhu that became one of the main reasons of him embracing Islam.

With that, I will be sharing one instance in the life of Adiyy Ibn Hatim Radiyallahu Anhu that became one of the main reasons of him embracing Islam

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Adiyy (RA) was the son of Hatim Al Ta'i - the Arab exemplar of honor and generosity during the days of Jahiliyyah (Pre-Islamic era). So, yes - Adiyy was a Christian before entering Islam - and he was not any ordinary one - he was a very religious man as well as the leader of his tribe (after his father passed away).

When Islam came, it was said that he fled to Anatolia where Christianity was widespread but later on came back to Madinah through the influence of his sister - Safanah Bint Hatim Radiyallahu Anha - as well as after knowing that she embraced Islam.

Due to this, Adiyy RA travelled back to Madinah carrying the thought of meeting a king in the person of the Messenger of Allah ﷺ.

As Adiyy RA narrated:

"I came to Muhammad while he was in the mosque and saluted him." He asked: "Who is this man?" I then introduced myself and so he ﷺ invited me to his home. While we were on our way to his house, he was stopped by a weak old woman who stood so long telling him about something she needed. So, I thought to myself: "By Allah! This man is no king."

Adiyy RA realized through that short instance that such character could only belong to a Prophet of Allah - and that was one thing that spoke to him and accepted Islam.

Subhan'Allah when you do read about stories like these - you do realize that indeed character can speak volumes and that it is really true that without even talking to people, the Messenger of Allah was able to invite and caused people to accept Islam.

But see, our beloved Messenger of Allah's ﷺ character towards the old woman - indeed, we may realize that due to age some old people tend to nag or talk again and again or for long yet he ﷺ stood there listening attentively to her and her needs.

In this age, when we realize that an old person repeats what he or she just said - we immediately start to find ways to end the conversation or take our leave. Sadly, this is the truth.

My brothers and sisters in Islam, this story may be short but I ask you to reflect from it very well and recheck how you are doing towards our old people. Don't you realize that you are few years away from being one of them and would you want to be treated the way you are treating the old now?

Make a change. Do the change. Be the change.

May Allah kindle and put in our hearts the love for the old and weak. May He enable us to have the ability and capabilities of helping and taking care of them as we would want to be taken care of when we reach such age.



Story was taken from:

• As Sirat An Nabawiyyah by Ibn Hisham 4/224-228
• As Sirat An Nabawiyyah by As Salabi 2/559-578

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