The Story of Qarun

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Qarun was the cousin of
Musa (alayhis salam).

Qatadah said:
He was called "An-Nur" (the light) for he had a beautiful voice while reciting the Torah, but he became a hypocrite and rejected Musa (alayhi salam) and disobeyed him. Thus, Qarun
was destroyed because of his transgression due to the wealth and riches he had.

Shahr Ibn Haushab said:
He used to drag his garments on the ground out of pride and arrogance.

Allah Ta'ala has mentioned his story in detail in Surah Qasas.

It has been mentioned that his wealth and riches was so much that its keys would have been too heavy for even a group of strong men to carry.
It was also said: the keys of his treasures were so many that they used to be carried on sixty mules!

However, he was advised by the pious men from among his
people saying:

'do not be arrogant or conceited with riches, being ungrateful to Allah Ta'ala. Enjoy your halal and good earnings but don’t forget about the poor and needed. Share your wealth with them
'And do not harm the people regarding whom you were
commanded to do good. If you harm them, He will punish you and take back what He has granted you. Verily, Allah likes not the mischief makers and bullies.'

His answer to this good advice of his people was nothing but:

“All these riches have been given to me only because of the
knowledge I possess!”
In other words, “I do not need what you have said or referred to, as Allah only gave me this for He knew that I deserve it. Also, if He did not love me, He would not grant or give me this!”

However, Allah the Almighty rejected his statement saying:

'Does he not know that Allah destroyed before him generations because of their sins and bad deeds and they were stronger than Qarun and they had more riches and children than him. So, if what he said was true, We would not punish anyone of those who had
more riches than him and his wealth and riches would not be a proof of Our love or care for him.'

So what he did?

He gathered his workers and slaves, and then he started to parade and march in the middle of the street with hundreds of people surrounding him carrying his wealth.
And he was riding his horses that were all clothed in gold and he was clothed himself with gold.

So people saw that parade and were attached to this wealth… when they saw Qarun and his adornments, they said:

“We wish to as wealthy as Qarun. Qarun has been given a great fortune, he’s a fortunate, happy, lucky person, we wish we’re like him.”

But Allah talks about the other group of people, those who have faith, righteousness, piety, and knowledge of the Torah. They replied those who longed for the wealth of Qarun by saying:

“The rewards of Allah is by far better than what Qarun has and believing in Allah and doing righteous actions is by far a lot more dearer and beloved to Allah. And better for you in this world and in the hereafter. It is only those who are patient will be granted this reward.”

Now Allah shows His power, strength, and magnificence. He caused the earth to swallow Qarun and his wealth while everyone was watching.

Allah Ta'ala says:
So, We caused the earth to swallow him up and
his mansion. Then, he had no group or party to help him against Allah, nor was he one of those who could save themselves.

Allah ta'ala says that,

   home of the Hereafter (i.e. Paradise), We shall grant it to those who do not go against the truth with pride and oppression in the land nor do mischief by committing crimes. And the good end is for the pious and righteous persons. (Surah Qasas; 76-83)

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