Strengthen your gheerah within halal boundaries

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During the time of the Prophet ﷺ, to celebrate Eid - Abyssinians would gather up and deliver a show where they would showcase war tricks and wrestling. 

One of those days, they were showcasing it nearby the home of our beloved Prophet ﷺ. With this, his wife Aisha Radiyallahu Anha expressed a desire to watch the show. 

To fulfill her request, the Prophet ﷺ gave her permission and stood infront of Aisha Radiyallahu Anha while watching the show. He ﷺ continued to shield her until she herself got tired and went inside the home. 


Subhan'Allah, do we still find men of this glory these days and do we still find women of this modesty these days?

Imagine, the gheerah of the Prophet ﷺ - He did allow his wife to watch the show (as it was mentioned in the story that it was not a common time wasting show during that time) while still shielding her so that none can prey their eyes on her.

Just look at the way the Prophet ﷺ fulfilled the desire of his wife to please her while protecting her and safeguarding her modesty at the same time.

It is such a small event in the life of the Prophet ﷺ but we can take lots of moral lesson from this, no wonder the Prophet ﷺ is considered the best teacher for this Ummah.

Let me ask you, my dear brother in Islam, where is your gheerah these days?

It really has gone bad to the point that the men allow even their niqaabi wives to appear in their lectures or let them appear infront of mixed gatherings - do you really think this way you are emanating the characteristics of the Prophet ﷺ?

Indeed, do not let this world deceive you and let you falter with your values. Strengthen your gheerah within the halal boundaries of Islam. Protect those who you can, especially within your home - your wives, your daughters - the womenfolk.

Remember, you are a garment over them - protect them.


May Allah rectify our affairs and strengthen the men of this Ummah enough not to be deceived with peer pressure and delusions of this cruel world. May we all be able to emanate the way the Prophet ﷺ lived and continue to honor Islam through abiding to its teachings and applying it in our lives.



Story was taken from:

[1] Sahih Al Bukhari, Hadith 2101
[2] Sahih Muslim, Hadith 2628
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