Etiquette of masjid

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A masjid is a place of prayer, a place where worshippers need peaceful atmosphere, solemnity and silence that they may concentrate and remain focused on their prayers.

Did you know that 'Umar Ibn Al Khattab Radiyallahu Anhu used to forbid people from raising their voices in the Masjid?

And we all know how 'Umar Radiyallahu Anhu was. Here's a bit of story.

As Saaib Ibn Yazzed Radiyallahu Anhu narrated that once while he was standing in the masjid, a man suddenly began to throw some peebles at me [in order to draw my attention to him].

So As Saaib Radiyallahu Anhu looked around and saw 'Umar IBn Al Khattab Radiyallahu Anhu.

'Umar then told him to go and bring back those two men and when he returned with them, 'Umar asked them, "Who are you? (or perhaps he said, Where are the two of you from?)

They replied, "We are from the inhabitants of At Taif". Umar then said, "Had you been from the inhabitants of this city [Madinah], I would have inflicted a painful punishment upon you, for the two of you are raising your voices in the masjid of the Messenger of Allah Sallallahu Alaihi Wassalaam."

We strive to be better Muslims, and we pray that Allah Azza Wa Jall helps us on this but also we need to make effort on being one, and being mindful of our action especially when we are in the masajid is but one of the ways we can better ourselves as followers of the sunnah.

Try to begin by arranging the footwear we use whenever we enter the masjid, I am not saying arrange all the footwear there but you yourself should put aside that footwear of yours in a proper way that it doesn't become a barrier between a person who will enter the masjid.

Then when you are inside the masjid, remember the reason why you are there, you are there not to have a chit chat with your friends, but you are there to worship Allah Azza Wa Jall, do not leave your niyyah at home as you leave for the masjid.

Next time you come to masjid, remember the very purpose why you are actually going there.

And we pray that Allah Azza Wa Jall forgives our shortcomings and help us become better Muslims. Amin.


Story was taken from Al Fath, 1/668

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