Four Abdullahs in Islamic History You Need To Know

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Among the notable Companions in the history of Islam, are the four Abdullahs or known as the ‘Abadilah Al-Arba’ah.

The ‘Abadilah Al-Arba’ah – meaning the four Abdullahs – comprised four notable Companions of the Prophet s.a.w, all of whom were outstanding individuals on their own.

They are Abdullah bin Abbas, Abdullah bin Umar, Abdullah bin Amr bin Al-As and Abdullah bin Az-Zubair.
All of them were very young companions who were blessed to have been close to the household of the Prophet s.a.w, and in doing so, they were able to learn more about the Prophet s.a.w. with precise detail. 

The experiences they had with the Prophet s.a.w. were very significant. As they grew older, the four Abdullahs would later become key figures and a source of knowledge to refer to after the passing of the Prophet s.a.w.


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1. Abdullah bin Abbas r.a. The Gifted Scholar

All the Companions shared a deep love of always being around the Prophet s.a.w. Some would even devote themselves to be in his service, and one of them was Abdullah bin Abbas r.a.

Aside from being the Prophet’s own cousin, Abdullah bin Abbas was always around to assist the Prophet by preparing water for him to make wudhu (ablution) and to accompany him in his journeys. Wherever the Prophet s.a.w went, Abdullah bin Abbas was there with him. 

This strong relationship benefited Abdullah bin Abbas r.a greatly as he managed to record about 1660 hadiths to memory. Not only that, the Prophet s.a.w himself also specifically prayed for Abdullah bin Abbas to be bestowed upon with deep understanding of the religion and with wisdom:


للَّهُمَّ فَقِّهْهُ فِي الدِّينِ وَعَلِّمْهُ التَّأْوِيلَ

“O Allah grant him (Abdullah Ibn Abbas) understanding in the religion and teach him proper interpretation (of the Quran)”

(Hadith by Imam Ahmad)

After the Prophet s.a.w passed away, Abdullah bin Abbas would seek out the older Companions who knew of a hadith that he did not know and then verifying it with other Companions to ensure its authenticity.

As he grew older, people would come over to his abode where his classes were actively conducted. He grew in knowledge and stature and was sought out by Companions to give his thoughts, including Sayyidina Umar r.a during his reign as The Caliph. 

Today, there is a wider range of platforms available for us to learn on. With such choices, it should only encourage us to learn and discover more. We should also remember that the knowledge we sought for will one day be of service to the Muslim community, and may it be a means for us to attain Allah’s rewards.

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