When words count

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The Prophet (sal Allahu alayhi wa sallam) said:
"All of a human being's words count against him and not for him, except commanding the right, forbidding the wrong, and the mention of Allah Most High." [Tirmidhi]

When Hazrath Abu Bakr (radi Allahu anhu) heard this, he put a large stone in his mouth to prevent himself from speaking without thinking. He would take the stone out if he had to speak, but then put it in again.

The importance of keeping guard over what our tongue utters is so important that the Prophet (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) said that he would guarantee Paradise to whoever could control his tongue and private parts from sin. The misuse of these is a common cause of being led to Jahannum.

How far we are from the examples of the sahabah...

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