Feeling trapped- Learn from Musa A.S

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When Prophet Musa (as) stood in front of the Red Sea, a tyrant and his army approached from behind. Some of those in Musa’s midst began to divide. Looking ahead, those people saw only defeat:

“And when the two bodies saw each other, the people of Moses said: ‘We are sure to be overtaken.’”(Qur’an, 26:61).

But Musa (as) had different eyes. His eyes were spiritual eyes that saw through the illusions of worldly hardship and defeat. He saw through. With a heart connected to the Most High, looking at the same seemingly impossible situation, Musa saw only God:

“(Moses) said: ‘By no means! My Lord is with me! He will guide me through!’” (Qur’an, 26:61-62)

And indeed Allah did just that:

“Then We told Moses by inspiration: ‘Strike the sea with thy rod.’ So it divided, and each separate part became like the huge, firm mass of a mountain. And We made the other party approach thither. We delivered Moses and all who were with him; But We drowned the others.” (Qur’an, 26: 63-66).

How many people will experience something like this in their lifetime?

There are times when we feel we have lost everything, or things look broken and nothing like how we wished they would be. 

At times we even feel as though we’ve been abandoned and nothing is working out the way we planned.

Tawakkul is having full faith that Allah will take care of you—even when things look impossible. 

The Qur’an explains that, “And whoever relies upon Allah – then He is sufficient for him” (65:3).  And the Reality is that there is nothing and nowhere else that will be sufficient.  Allah is the only handhold that never breaks (Quran 2: 256).

Tawakkul is standing in front of the Red Sea—as Prophet Musa did—with an army behind you, and not even flinching, knowing that Allah will get you through.  

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