Ibrahim A.S (The true friend of Allah)

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It is reported that Ibrahim(Peace be upon him) was very wealthy. He had a flock of five-thousand goats.

The angels were astonished to see that not only was he Khalil (Friend of Allah Azzawajal) but also very rich.

One day he went to the fields with his flock, which were closely supervised by his dog. An angel appeared in the form of a man in order to test him.

The angel read Subbuhun Quddusun Rabbuna wa Rabbul-Malaaikati war-Rooh.
Upon hearing these words, Ibrahim (peace be upon him) was most pleased and divine ecstasy soon overcomed him.

He went to the man and said:

'Please repeat those words as they extol(praise) the remembrance of Allah Azzawajal.

If you repeat them then I will give you half of my wealth and if you recite them twice then I will give you my entire wealth. In other words I offer an endless flock of goats just to hear these words again. In fact, I will also offer you a shepherd to look after them.'

When the angels saw the financial sacrifice that Ibrahim (peace be upon him) was willing to make in order to hear those few words of Allah azzawajal's remembrance, they acknowledged that Ibrahim (peace be upon him) was truly the Khalil of Allah Azzawajal.

Ibrahim's (peace be upon him) act serves as an important lesson to us all. In order to hear words of Allah Azzawajal's remembrance, he (peace be upon him) sacrificed everything. 

 “Let not your properties or your children divert you from the remembrance of Allah. And whosoever does that, they are the losers” (Al-Munafiqoon 63:9).

Love of Allah triggers sweetness of faith

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