This is Firm Tawakkal

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This is the story of one of the Companions in the time of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and this story also will tell us about the power of prayer and dua'. So this sahabi, he was a merchant who used to go through one city to the other as a tradesman. One day he go pass through a valley holding his merchandises on top of his camel when suddenly a thief stops him. He's facing the thief alone in the middle of the valley with no one around. Then the thief put his sword to the sahabi's neck. He said "I'm going to kill you and take all your merchandises". The sahabi said "Please take everything but spare my life". But the thief still want to kill him. 

So when the sahabi found that the thief was insisting on killing him, he said to him "Okay, you can kill me and take all my merchandises but please allow me to do one thing, after that you can kill me". The thief said "Do what ever you like, i'll wait for you and i'll kill you after you finish your last wish". Then the sahabi pray two rakaat of salah. MasyaAllah, Subhanallah. And in his prostration (sujood), he made dua'. Because the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said "You are the closest to Allah S.W.T when you are in your prostration". So ask everything that you want from Allah when you are in the prostration. So the dua that the sahabi ask from Allah S.W.T have three section:-

I ask you oh Allah, by the light of Your face which has filled the pillars of Your throneThen he begin to ask Him by all His names (by all His beautiful attributes)Oh The One who responds to the dua' of the one in need, save me from this thief, oh The One who saves, save me! Oh The One who saves, save me! Oh The One who saves, save me!.....

He still not complete his dua' then suddenly he hears the galloping of a horse racing so quickly, so fast, and on the top of the horse he saw a man, a warrior with his face is covered, with a sword in his right arm. The thief saw the warrior came, but before he could do anything, the warrior chopped and slit his throat and the thief died. The sahabi looked up. He hugged and kissed the warrior and then he said "May Allah bless you! Where are you from? And who are you?". Then the warrior said "I AM AN ANGEL! FROM THE FOURTH SKY OF HEAVEN! You asked Allah in the first part of your dua', and we heard you, then you asked with the second part of your dua', the sky shook, then you asked with your third part of your dua', we raced to Allah. I raced and beat the other Angels to Allah S.W.T and i ask Him to send me to save you and He allowed me". Then the Angel faded away. 

The dua' of the person who is in need, Allah S.W.T will respond that.

Have thirst in your Duas and keep a firm tawakkal on Allah alone. He will definitely accept it even in the worst of cases. Just trust him...

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