This is Dedication even when it gets hard

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“So Zakariya came out to his people from his chamber: He told them by signs to celebrate Allah's praises in the morning and in the evening.” [Maryam 19: 11]

When Zakariya was given the good news of a child in his old age, he was understandably overjoyed. Hence he asked for a sign from Allah:

“He said: My Lord! give me a sign. He said: “Your sign is that you will not be able to speak to the people three nights while in sound health.”” [Maryam 19: 10]

So as a result, he was sworn not to speak to anyone for 3 whole days and nights despite being in public and worshipping as was his norm. But what happened after is something that stood out to me. Despite not speaking, and thus in some ways being excused from interacting with people, he chose to leave his mihrab (prayer chamber) and go out to the people. Why? To encourage them in worship and continue the da’wah and religious teachings. He couldn’t speak to them so he signalled instead and told the people to remember Allah morning and evening.

This is dedication and this is piety.

We have all the faculties, health, and means at our hands yet we still fall short from encouraging others to the Path of Allah. Let us take the example of Zakariya and continue the da’wah even when it gets hard. Even if we lose some of our means, even if we lose our very voice, let us always do our best.

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