What is the real patience???

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Arwah bin al-Zubayr's leg was cut because of the disease which he
suffered, and on the same day the dearest of his seven sons died.

The dearest son to his heart. He died after the horse kicked him
and killed him.

*Arwah said:*
*Allahumamma laka Al hamd* *Wainna Lillah Waina Ilehi Rajiuun*
[Oh Allah, thank you, and we are from Allah and to Him shall return]

*He gave me seven sons and He took one.* *He gave me two legs and two hands and He took only one leg.*

The days passed and one day Arwah entered the house of a Khalifa, and saw a Sheikh who was old and had a face which is damaged and eyes blind.

*The Khalifa said*:
Oh Arwah ask this sheikh about his story.

*Arwah asked him*:
"What is your story, Oh Sheikh?"

*Sheikh said*:
Oh Arwah do you know that I was living in a valley? And in that valley there was no one who was richer in money, properties and children like me.

In one night floods came and washed away my children, properties
and everything that I earned.

The next day at sun rise I was only having a small baby and a camel. The camel ran away and I ran after him wanting to catch him but I did not reach far and I heard the scream of a baby, I turned back and saw the baby's head in the mouth of a wolf.

I tried to save the baby but I couldn't as the wolf had torn him apart. As I was going away the wolf hit me lightly on my face.

That is why my face is damaged and my eyes are blind.

*Arwah asked him*: What did you say after all this, Oh Sheikh?

*The Sheikh replied*: I said:

Allahuma Laka Alhamd,

You left with me
a heart and a tongue which will always mention You.

*This is the real patience,*

*These are those who Allah mentions them:*

*ﺇﻧﻤﺎ ﻳﻮﻓﻰ ﺍﻟﺼﺎﺑﺮﻭﻥ ﺃﺟﺮﻫﻢ ﺑﻐﻴﺮ ﺣﺴﺎﺏ*
{only the patient will be paid back their reward in full without measure.}

*What kind of calamities have you got until you become sad and live in misery*

*Can you compare their misery to yours?*

*They were patient and Allah Will Reward them, *and we are inpatient what will we get?*

*Rabana Laka Alhamd Hamdan Katheeran Tayyiban Mubarakan Feeh.*

● *You are living with your family.*
● *You enjoy good health and wellbeing*.
● *You sleep on the (bed) of your own.*
● *You eat and drink and go out and live safely!!*

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