Nothing is impossible for Him

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I made my students get used to listen to Adhaan from their first grade, says one teacher.

Even when I am explaining in the class, I stop and I tell them to repeat after the Muadheen. Then I remind them that the du'aa between the Adhaan and the Iqama is answered.

I noticed one of my students always say the du'aa between the Adhaan and Iqama, and uses the opportunity more than her classmates.

One time I was correcting her note book, I said to her: "I like you because when I give you a chance to say du'aa between the Adhaan and Iqama, I notice that you take advantage of the opportunity more than your classmates."

She said: "Al Hamd Llah, Praise be to Allah, the first time I knew that the du'aa between the Adhaan and the Iqama is answered, I was in the fifth grade. So I make sure that I say du'aa at that time, especially this particular du'aa."

I asked her: "What is the du'aa?"

She said:
"My mother gave birth to me and she can no longer give birth. I am now 13 years old and I have no sister. I get jealous of my friends when they talk about their sisters and I hope to have a sister. I always say du'aa for Allah to Bless me with a sister. But my mother tells me to say du'aa for Allah to Bless her with a son, because she already have me as her daughter."

She said this in a very innocent way:

"Therefore I say du'aa to Allah to Bless us with a boy for my mother, and a sister for my sake and another boy for my brother not to remain alone."

I said Ameen and I gave her back her notebook.

I forgot the story and the days passed by, and the girl reached grade 9.

One day I was walking and I met her.

She said: "O teacher my mother, gave birth yesterday. She brought triplets, two sons and a daughter."

I said: "Subhana Allah."

I learnt a lesson from my student which I can't forget. Be optimistic and say your du'aa continuously, and have good thoughts of Allah the Almighty.
Say your du'aa and it will be answered.

Say du'aa and take advantage of the time when du'aas are answered.
Say du'aa and trust that Allah the Almighty is Close to His servant.
Do you know the secret my beloved sisters and brothers?

You can say du'aa if you want righteous children, or righteous husband or wife, or you want to be in good condition, health or wealth.
Whatever you need just say du'aa.
Say du'aa to your Lord and you will be answered.

Even if it will be a bit late to be answered but say du'aa.

Because you are asking a Generous Lord, nothing is impossible for Him in the world and in the sky.
Say Ya Rab, and say du'aa to your Muslim brothers and sisters, and all your loved ones at their absence, and the Angels will say:

"Ameen, May it be for you too."

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