Level of patience

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*This took place when Hamzah RA went on hunting and Abu Jahl took advantage of the absence of Hamza. He went to the Prophet ﷺ while he was sitting by the Mount As Safa and there spoke to him offensively denouncing his work and tried to humiliate him.*

*With the beautiful character of the Prophet ﷺ, he did not say anything. He just said nothing to Abu Jahl but Abu Jahl continued to abuse him until he cast a stone on the Prophet’s ﷺ head.*

*Indeed, the Prophet ﷺ became wounded and he began to bleed. At this sight, Abu Jahl left him and went to the assembly of the Quraish and sat down with them.*

*Have a moment to yourself, pause a little and reflect on what you have just read.*

Our beloved Prophet ﷺ, who is bleeding out of the hatred of Abu Jahl, bore everything patiently. Every ill manner word thrown to him, every humiliation given to him by the Quraish, he bore it patiently.

Then, look at your own self, with a little word of mouth going around accusing you of something you never did or some rumors denouncing you, you become outraged that you want to hurt somebody. *Don’t you think you are being [emulating] more of Abu Jahl than being [emulating] the Prophet ﷺ?*

Come to think of it, how did the Prophet ﷺ  bear all of those? Of course he is blessed because he is our beloved Prophet ﷺ  but more than that his Lord is Allah!

*He bore all of it patiently because he knows his Lord is Allah, the Almighty, the one with beautiful names and attributes, the one who responds to those who call upon Him!*

So, next time people talk ill about you rejoice for your bad deeds are being taken from you. _The Prophet ﷺ bled out of a stone thrown at him but not a word came from his mouth while you are being thrown at words and just mere words that bear false and untrue stories and you react in a manner just like everyone else._

O Slave of Ar Rahman, know that you are not like everyone else, you are a Muslim, a chosen one amongst billion of people in this world. Allah chose you to bear the shahada and worship Him. So react the way one Muslim should react and handle such situation.

*Bear patiently for your Lord is Allah.*

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