Prophet Muhammad (saws) encouraged a pleasant face

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It is reported by Tirmidi:

Abd Allah ibn al Harith ibn Jaz says:

I have never seen a person who smiled as much as the Prophet . (Kitaab al-Manaaqib)

According to Bukhari:

Jarir (ra) says:

Whenever the Prophet saw me, he smiled at me. (Kitaab al Jihaad wa al-Siyer)

According to Ahmad Ibn Hanbal:

Abu Darda (ra) says:

Whenever the prophet spoke to us, he had a very pleasant smile on his face.

The Prophet (pbuh) also encouraged the Muslims to keep a fresh and pleasant appearance, as such expressions can play a vital role in the interpersonal relations between individuals.

Few narrations on his sense of humour...

As related by Anas b. Malik:

Once a man came to the Prophet and wanted to give him a ride on his camel. The Prophet replied:

"We should give you a ride on a baby camel then."

"O Messenger of Allah, how can I ride on a baby camel?"

The Prophet replied:

"Are not all camels the babies of a mother camel?" (Abu Dawud, Adab, 92; Tirmizi, Birr, 57)

As related by Hasan, an old lady from the Ansar (residents of Medina) came to the Prophet and told him:

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As related by Hasan, an old lady from the Ansar (residents of Medina) came to the Prophet and told him:

"Please make a dua (supplication) for me that I go to heaven."

The Prophet(saws) replied:

"Did you not hear it? Old women cannot go to heaven."

The old lady became upset upon this. Then the Prophet said smiling:

"Have you not read the verse: "We have produced the women of Paradise in a [new] creation and made them virgins, devoted [to their husbands] and of equal age" (Al-Vaqiah, 56/35-37).

Then he explained to the old lady in a pleasant manner that old women would go to heaven as young girls, and he cheered her up.

Then he explained to the old lady in a pleasant manner that old women would go to heaven as young girls, and he cheered her up

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-- Nuayman was one of the most humorous companions and he loved the Prophet dearly. Whenever a fine item came to Medina, he would buy it and then give it to the Prophet as a present.

One day he saw that some fine quality honey had arrived Medina. He bought some and brought it to the Prophet. However he had not paid the salesman. He brought the salesman to the Prophet and told him to take the money from the Prophet. The Prophet asked:

"I thought you brought the honey as a present?"

Nuayman replied:

"O Messenger of Allah! I wanted you to taste this fine honey so much, but since I didn't have any money, I did it this way."

The Prophet laughed and paid the salesman.
(I. Abdilberr , el-Istiab, IV, 473).

Prophet (pbuh) sometimes found playing harmless jokes with his companions, yet there is not a single instance where the Prophet (pbuh) is reported to ridicule, deride or mock any individual or group.

Prophet (pbuh) sometimes found playing harmless jokes with his companions, yet there is not a single instance where the Prophet (pbuh) is reported to ridicule, deride or mock any individual or group

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Remember that there are guidelines to follow, according to the Sunnah, when it comes to joking, laughing and having fun

1) MAKE SURE you don't make fun of any aspect of Islam.

2) NEVER joke about something that is HARAAM.

3) Say ONLY that which is true.

4) Don't make jokes to make 'FUN' of people.

5) Don't laugh if someone slips or falls or is afflicted with something.

6) Never scare anybody while joking or otherwise.

7) Joking should not involve backbiting.

8) Beware of excessive laughing and joking.

9) Choose appropriate time and place for your jokes.

10) Use appropriate language.

11) Acknowledge people's status.

Jabir (ra) narrates: I heard the Prophet say:

Every good thing is a charity; and one of the good things is to meet your brother with a fresh smiling face. (Kitaab al-Birr wa al-Silah)

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