The women who cleaned the mosque

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This story was narrated by Abu Hurayrah Radiyallahu Anhu:

The Messenger of Allah ﷺ  once asked: 

Where has that woman who used to clean the mosque gone?”

And one of his companions answered: 

O Messenger of Allah ﷺ! That woman died in the night so the prayer was made and she was buried.” 

It was said that the companions did not think that it was necessary to inform he Messenger of Allah ﷺ about her death as she was an old woman. So with that, He ﷺ  said: 

Why did you not tell me before?” 

With a heavy heart he then said to his companions: "Show me her grave,” And there on he went and prayed for the old woman.

Many may have heard of her story but not her name. So let me introduce her to you.

She was Kharaqa Radiyallahu Anha (also known as Umm Mihjan) - she was an old black woman and she was neither rich nor educated but her eagerness to be in the service of Islam just to attain the pleasure of Allah was absolutely inspiring!

Kharaqa (RA) was a cleaner yet she used to observe religion to please Allah. One day, she said to herself: “I am a frail and poor woman. If I cannot undertake an important task then at least I can clean and sweep the mosque.”

With that she made a broom out of palm leaves and commenced with cleaning the Prophet’s Mosque, and she continued doing this every time she saw that it needed cleaning. 

Indeed, for Kharaqa this was the best way she saw that she could obtain the pleasure of Allah.

Subhan’Allah, look at how pure the intention was of Kharaqa and how she was constantly thinking of how she could be of service to Islam in order to obtain Allah’s Pleasure.

She used what skill she was blessed with, she did not think twice of doing it. Indeed, Kharaqa was amongst the poor companions yet her deen was rich - rich enough that her story became famous up to this date - and what does that tell us?!

My dear brothers and sisters in Islam, your worldly status are both a blessing and a test for you - so choose it to be a blessing or rather share the blessing it has given you

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My dear brothers and sisters in Islam, your worldly status are both a blessing and a test for you - so choose it to be a blessing or rather share the blessing it has given you. 

Ponder at how our beloved Messenger of Allah ﷺ  has given respect and appreciation for Kharaqa RA that despite his preoccupation with the affairs of the Muslims, he stopped what he was doing to go to her grave and pray for her and supplicated for her forgiveness - it showcases that those who are pure in seeking Allah’s Pleasure - Allah raises their status both in the eyes of the believers as well as in the akhirah.

Do the little things, you do not need to always do the big things because Allah knows what is in your heart and at the end of the day - that is all that matter to gain and attain His Pleasure.

As the Messenger of Allah ﷺ said:

“Take up good deeds only as much as you are able, for the best deeds are those done regularly even if they are few.” [1]

May Allah be pleased with Kharaqa, accept her good deeds and shower her with His Forgiveness.


May Allah help us realize the blessings we have given and enable us to make use of such blessings to obtain and attain His Pleasure in ways (either big or small) that we know best.




Story was taken from:

• Sahih Al Bukhari, Hadith 458, 1337
• Sahih Muslim, Hadith 956
• Al Sabah fi Tamyiz As Sihabah 8/314

[1] Sunan Ibn Majah 4240
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