(((A Wattpad Featured Book)))
Best ranked #1 Hadith, prophetmuhammad, Ramzan, Did you know, motivating, etc
#2 Quran, #3 Google
Since days, I was thinking to share a topic which could really help us, strengthen our Iman.
Prophet Muhammad(SAWS) never said no to any request from anyone in his life.He never turned anyone away empty-handed from his house and always gave preference to the needy over his own needs.
Ayesha siddiqua( R.A) used to do all these things as she had heard from the Holy Prophet (pbuh) and She was heard (RA) saying that:
"O Allah (S.T.) make me live as a "Miskeen" i.e. very poor who always is in need of help" and give me death while as "Miskeen".
I may getup at the day of resurrection along with the "Masakeen". When she died there was nothing in her house which can be considered as wealth.
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- It is said that she used to take loans to meet the needs of the poor people when people asked her as to why she took loans for others, She replied that:
"If someone has sincere intention to pay back the loan then Allah (S.T.) helps him and provides funds".
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- Once Amire-Maviya (RA) had sent one lakh (1,00,000) Dirhams from Syria. She gave all this money before the night came. Imagine, how huge is this amount may be it's value near about a Billion Dollar now. The maid servant reminded her that she (RA) did not keep anything even to purchase things to "Break the Fast". A'isha (RA) told her why did not tell this earlier.
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- Once she was observing Fast, a beggar came and asked for "Bread" A'isha (RA) asked the maid servant to give the bread which was meant for her "Breaking the Fast". In the evening there came plenty of "Meat & Bread" as a gift. A'isha (RA) asked the maid servant if that was not a better gift than the bread.
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- Umar (RA) used to give 10,000 Dirhams to al the Ummul-Momineen but he used to give 12,000 Dirhams to A'isha Siddiqa (RA).Abdullah bin Zubair (RA) wo was her nephew also, used to give huge amount of Dirhams to her but she used to spend them all in charity and helping the needy person and it is reported that on the same day she had to starve.
After the conquerrance of "Khaiber" she was granted some pension but she used to give it in charity within a short time. She used to get many presentations and gifts from the companions but as per her nature and habit she never kept them with her but gave them to the needy and poor.
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A'isha (RA) led a very simple life as was desired & taught by the Holy Prophet (pbuh) though she had a maid servant in her house, she used to do the work herself. She used to grind and make paste of flour, cook food and prepare for his (pbuh).
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"Those who believe, and do deeds of righteousness, and establish regular prayers and regular charity, will have their reward with their Lord. On them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve" (2:277).
"If the debtor is in a difficulty, grant him time until it is easy for him to repay. But if you remit it by way of charity, that is best for you if you only knew" (2:280).
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