Let us rise among the elites

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Fajr always reminds me of the Sahabah, and for countless times I always find myself thinking about them and imagining how it would feel so if I was among them whom always made wonderful dhikr before and after fajr.

This story is of Umm Waraqah Radiyallahu Anha, some may find it weird but it’s actually the story of her death that I always remember during fajr, but I tell you it is really motivating when we remember death as often as we could.

This woman was so attached to the Qur'an that she would recite it everyday and night that at the time of her death, it was also the very thing that made ‘Umar Radiyallahu Anhu noticed that something was wrong because 'Umar didn’t hear Umm Waraqah reciting the Qur'an from her house that Fajr morning of her death.

Subhan'Allah. How wonderful is this person! It must have been her daily deed to recite and put herself in dhikr, exalting Allah Azza Wa Jall. 

And how many of us even give enough time to recite or read the Qur'an after we wake up or even before we sleep? Astagfirullah.

Let us rise among the elites. Rise among those who gain such beautiful Ajr.

Remember the beautiful reward that Fajr brings, as said by the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wassalaam:

“He who performs the dawn prayer will be under the protection of Allah” [Sahih Muslim, Hadith #657]

-and what harm can come to you when it is Allah Azza Wa Jall that protects you? Allahu'akbar!

And we pray that Allah Azza Wa Jall makes us among those very people who would wake up with the beautiful intention of worshipping, thanking and asking for His Forgiveness. 


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