Chapter 2

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Cedric, Katherine, and a couple of other Hufflepuffs made their way to the room that held the goblet. The Hufflepuffs were cheering Cedric on when they reached the room. Katherine laughed as she watched Cedric put his name in the big cup. The Hufflepuffs cheered even louder and patted him on the back. Suddenly Fred, George, and Lee Jordan ran into the room, going over to the Golden Trio. As the twins talked, Hermione made a disapproving face and turned away from them. Katherine noticed small bottles with some sort of liquid.

"Cedric, look! The twins are actually doing the aging potion crap!" Katherine said while laughing. Cedric looked and rolled his eyes.

"It's not going to work." Cedric laughed.

The pair watched as Fred and George drank the Aging Potion. After they finished, the twins jumped over the age line. To everyone's surprise, nothing happened. Fred and George started to cheer and hug each other. They celebrated too early because sparks began to fly after they put their names in the goblet, and the twins were thrown out of the line. Fred and George started to grow white beards, and their hair was no longer orange; it was white. Every student in the room burst out in laughter, including the twins.

"I did warn you," A voice sounded, causing the students to turn towards it. It was Dumbledore. Dumbledore looked at the twins, amusement in his eyes. "I suggest you both go up to Madam Pomfrey. She is already tending to Miss. Fawcett, of Ravenclaw, and Mr. Summers, of Hufflepuff, both of whom decided to age themselves up a little too. Though I must say, neither of their beards is anything like as fine as yours."

Fred and George walked to the infirmary with Lee trailing behind them, who was roaring with laughter. Katherine and Cedric made their way to the dining hall, talking about the Weasley twins' idiotic actions. Katherine could not stop laughing; it came to the point where her stomach started to ache. Her laughter stopped when she sat at the Hufflepuff table and started stuffing her face causing Cedric to laugh at her.

"What's so funny?" Katherine asked, her mouth full of chicken.

"You are a pig when you eat!" Cedric exclaimed while laughing.

"Am not! I just love food!" Katherine whined. Cedric studied his friend's face.

"You have an amazing personality, Katherine. You should let people see it, you know, open up," Cedric kept eye contact with Katherine, which she broke.

"Ced, you know it's hard for me to talk to new people," Katherine said quietly, poking her mac and cheese with her fork.

"Well, you seemed to talk to the twins easily," Cedric wiggled his eyebrows.

"Oh, stop that!" Katherine blushed as she pushed Cedric. "It's fun to talk to them and don't try to insinuate anything because I know you like Cho Chang."

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