Chapter 49

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Katherine stared at the bandage that was wrapped around her waist. A nurse had put it on her just a few minutes ago, and it was already turning red. Katherine looked at Fleur, who was also staring at the bandage. Molly was outside of the room, probably calling everyone to come to St. Mungos.

Katherine's mind wandered to George. What was he going to do when he saw her? It had only been a week since Katherine's capture, but knowing the redhead, he would be flipping out. Molly finally came into the room with her wand in hand. She rushed over to Katherine with a reassuring smile.

"I just sent a Patronus to Fred and George," Molly took a seat next to Katherine's bed. "They should be here any minute."

"Thank you, Molly," Katherine gave a small smile and turned to Fleur. "And thank you, Fleur."

"Zer is no need to zank me, Kari," Fleur warmly smiled. Suddenly, the door swung open.

George was standing there with a concerned look. Fred was behind him with the same expression, except Fred smiled when he saw Katherine. He ran to Katherine and gave her a hug making Katherine grimace. Molly whacked the back of Fred's head for hurting the girl. George was still at the entrance of the door.

"Hi, Georgie," Katherine smiled.

George looked at the bandage. "What did they do to you?"

"It's nothing," Katherine's smile disappeared. "Can you please come sit?"

"We'll leave you two alone," Molly said, nodding towards the door.

Fleur got up and walked out. Fred stood still, making Molly hit him again. Rubbing his head, Fred walked out with Molly. George slowly walked to the side of the bed and sat down. Katherine took his hand and squeezed it. George seemed to be still worried as he kept his eyes on the bandage. When Katherine placed her separate hand on George's face, he started to break down. Katherine pulled him into a hug.

"Please don't cry," Katherine whispered. She pulled away and looked into his eyes. "If you cry, I'll cry."

"I'm sorry. It's all my fault," George sniffed. Katherine whipped away the tears that were falling along his cheek.

"It's not your fault, George," Katherine reassured. "I was the one that got distracted."

"What'd they do to you?" he asked, looking at the bandage again. Katherine didn't want to answer, she didn't want George to be even more upset, but his eyes shot to her arm. "What is that!"

Katherine looked at her arm and saw the scarred words. She gulped and looked at George, who had a fire in his eyes. George's body was tense as he stared at the lettering. When his eyes met Katherine's, they softened. His eyes were pleading with Katherine to tell him what happened.

Katherine sighed. "Um, Bellatrix did it. She carved the words into my arm with a knife. Then she used the Cruciatus Curse. After that, she used this spell, I don't know what it is, but it made a gash on my stomach."

George's jaw clenched as she told the story. How could someone do this to Katherine? She was the sweetest person George had ever met. It broke George's heart to see these scars on Katherine's body.

Once again, the door swung open. This time Tonks and Moody were at the door. Tonks began to run to Katherine, but being the clumsy girl she was, she tripped over her own feet. She tumbled over and landed on her butt with her legs laying flat on the floor. Katherine started to laugh but quickly stopped when the cut began to sting. Moody grunted and started to limp over to Katherine.

"How are you, Katherine?" he asked.

"I'm okay," Katherine smiled. Tonks was now up and sitting on the foot of the bed.

"Moody's gonna ask you a few questions about what happened," Tonks said. "Is that okay?"

"Yea," Katherine didn't feel like answering questions. She just wanted to go home, but Katherine knew it could help put Bellatrix behind bars.

"I'm not going to ask questions," Moody said. "I just want you to tell me everything that happened, what you saw, and who you saw."

Katherine told him everything. The things Bellatrix did to her, the people she recognized, her being at Malfoy Manor, and so much more. When Katherine brought up the Malfoys, Moody mumbled something that she couldn't hear. Moody thanked Katherine and assured her that they would catch the Death Eaters. The man left the room, leaving Katherine with Tonks and Katherine.

"So, you punched Bellatrix?" Tonks asked with a smirk.

"Yea. Yea, I did," Katherine softly chuckled. The same sharp pain made Katherine stop.

"Good, the bitch deserved!" Tonks exclaimed.

"Language!" Katherine warned.

"Stop being a party pooper!" Tonks frowned.

"I am not!" Katherine pouted and crossed her arms. "Tell her, George!"

"Sorry," George chuckled. "Tonks is right."

"Fine, you get no kisses," Katherine turned her head away from George and stuck her nose in the air.

"Yikes," Tonks said. "I think that's my cue to go. By the way, my Mum wants to have you over again. I'll talk to you later."

Tonks walked out, and Katherine kept her head up. George was smiling at her sassiness. He missed it dearly.

"So, you're really not gonna give me a kiss?" George asked. Katherine nodded her head in response. "Oh, and now you're gonna give me the silent treatment?"

Katherine crossed her arms and turned her head away. George bit his lip and gently grabbed Katherine's chin, turning it to face him. He could tell she was trying not to smile, which made George smirk. George quickly met her lips and felt the instant fireworks shoot in his stomach. He laughed when Katherine slipped her tongue in.

It was ironic that she said no kisses, and now she was the one to deepen the kiss. Katherine sat up and scooted to give George space to sit without breaking the kiss. He sat down, and Katherine moved to sit on his lap. George began to move down, making Katherine's breathing heavier. When he hit her soft spot, Katherine let out a small moan making George laugh against her skin.

"Are we interrupting something?" a voice said.

George and Katherine looked at the door and saw Fred with Fleur and a distraught Molly standing behind him. The couple looked at each other with two different expressions. George was smiling and looked like he was about to laugh. Meanwhile, Katherine's face was red as a tomato. Katherine swatted at George when a noise that sounded like a squeak of laughter escaped his mouth.

"George Fabien Weasley!" Molly yelled. "Get off of her at once! You should know better than to do something like this!"

"Alright! Alright!" George picked Katherine off of him and gently set her on the bed. "No need to scream."

"Katherine, are you alright?" Molly asked, handing her a cup of chocolate pudding.

Katherine softly laughed. "Yes. I am perfect."

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