Chapter 6

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Every Hufflepuff huddled around Cedric, who was holding his golden egg. They kept telling their champion to open the egg. Cedric gave Katherine a look asking if he should open it. His friend nodded, making him smile. As soon as Cedric opened his prize, a screeching sound filled the Hufflepuff common room. Cedric immediately shut it.

"What the bloody hell was that?" Asked a random 3rd year.

"I dunno," Cedric replied, putting his egg on the coffee table next to the couch. Katherine sat down next to Cedric and stared at the egg. A few minutes passed, and Katherine felt her stomach growl.

"Ced, I'm gonna go to the kitchen. Do you want anything?" Katherine asked, getting up from the couch.

Cedric shook his head, not looking away from the golden egg. Katherine walked out of the room and traveled to the portrait that led to the kitchen. She tickled the pear and entered the room. To Katherine's surprise, a certain redhead was sitting on a wooden chair, watching the house-elves walk around.

"Hey George," Katherine said, making the twin jump. "Sorry. Didn't mean to scare you."

"What are you talking about? I never get scared!" George deadpanned, puffing his chest to make him seem manly.

"Yea, sure," Katherine chuckled. "So, what are you doing here?"

"Us Gryffindors are throwing a party for Harry. What about you?" George asked. He looked at Katherine, who was in her pajamas. She wore silk shorts that showed the definition in her leg muscles.

"Um, I-I'm just hungry," Katherine stuttered as she took notice in George's eyes going from her face to her legs.

Katherine sat next to George and crossed her legs. George looked back at her face and saw how uncomfortable Katherine was with his staring. Her face was as red as his hair. George watched as she asked Dobby for ice cream.

"You really like ice cream," George laughed.

"Yeah. my dad always bought me some whenever we went to Diagon Alley to visit my grandpa's shop," Katherine's face fell when she talked about her dad.

"What's wrong?" George asked, noticing Katherine's change of mood.

"It's nothing. I don't want to bother you with family drama," Dobby handed Katherine her food. She flashed the House-elf a thankful smile and started to eat.

"You could never bother me, Katherine," George said as he placed his hand over Katherine's. She looked at him with sad eyes. "Now tell me what's wrong."

"I-I think my Dad left me. I saw my grandpa today, and he told me that my Dad needed to get away for a while, but I could tell grandpa was hiding something. His face looked really sad and ashamed." Katherine was on the verge of tears as she told George about her problem. "George, I don't think he's going to come back."

George pulled Katherine into a hug as she started to cry. He felt her tears wet his shirt, but he didn't care. George rubbed Katherine's back which made her cry harder. She pulled away and rubbed her eyes.

"Does Miss. Katherine need a tissue?" Dobby asked, holding a napkin. This made Katherine laugh. She kissed Dobby's head and took the napkin.

"Thank you, Dobby," Katherine sniffled and looked at George. "I'm sorry I cried and got your shirt wet."

"You don't need to apologize about anything!" George said. He took the napkin and dried her eyes. Katherine smiled at Geroge's actions as she looked into his chocolate eyes.

"Thank you, George," He smiled in response.

When he finished, he gazed into her eyes and then to her smiling lips. Before he knew it, he kissed her. Katherine was shocked at first but eventually returned the kiss. George's hand traveled down to her waist, and Katherine wrapped her arms around his shoulders, pulling him closer. After a few seconds, Katherine broke the kiss. She smiled at Geroge, whose face was red.

"That was—nice," Katherine laughed, looking at the ground. George grabbed her chin and kissed her again. This time the kiss was shorter, with George pulling away.

"Yeah. I'll see you tomorrow," George smiled and walked out of the kitchen.

Katherine sank her teeth into her bottom lip as she watched George walk away. When he closed the portrait, Katherine jumped up and started to do her happy dance. As she danced, she thought about all the muggle princess fairytale movies. Now she knew what it felt like to be swept off her feet by a handsome boy. Katherine hummed as she skipped out of the kitchen to the Hufflepuff common room. To her surprise, the space was empty; even Cedric had left to his bed. Katherine frowned at having to wait to tell her best friend she had just had her first kiss.


Katherine smiled to herself as she maneuvered a piece of bacon to her mouth. Last night she couldn't stop thinking about the kiss she and George shared. Katherine still hadn't gotten the chance to tell Cedric what happened; he was always crowded by people who congratulated him and girls who attempted to flirt. Cedric would brush off the flirting. He only had eyes for a certain Ravenclaw. Katherine looked up when she heard yelling. It was the twins and Lee Jordan blabbering about Harry.

Katherine and George locked eyes. He gave her a wink which caused her to blush and look at her plate. Katherine looked up and saw George still smiling at her. Suddenly, Cedric plopped next to Katherine, making her break eye contact with the redhead. Cedric rubbed his temples and sighed.

"What's wrong?" Katherine asked.

"These girls are annoying me." Cedric huffed. He took a plate and loaded it with pancakes and fruit.

"Kind of?" Katherine sarcastically asked. Cedric didn't seem to find her joke funny. "Cedric, why don't you ask out Cho? That would surely get those girls off your back."

"I don't want her to reject me. What if she doesn't like me?" Cedric asked, stabbing a strawberry with his fork.

"Well, you'll never know until you put yourself out there," Katherine said as she looked at George.

"Yeah, maybe you should take your own advice. I know something is going on between you and George Weasley." Katherine blushed at Cedric's remark.

"I'll have you know I did take my advice," Katherine whispered. Cedric looked at her with disbelief.

"What did I miss?" Cedric asked, looking between his friend and the freckle-faced prankster.

"Well...yesterday I went to the kitchen and George was there. We talked for a while, and he comforted me about something, and then he kissed me. Twice!" Katherine answered with a dreamy smile.

"You had your first kiss?" Cedric gaped when Katherine nodded her head. "So, are you two a thing?"

"No, but hopefully soon."

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