Chapter 48

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Katherine sat in Draco's bed, staring at the wall. She wanted to go home. She wanted to see George. What were they thinking right now? Did they think she was dead? Katherine felt her breathing pick up the more she thought about George. She tried to regulate her breathing, but it didn't work. The more Katherine thought, the worse it got. Katherine had no sense of comfort since Bellatrix tortured her. Dilly had come into the room, but that was it. Narcissa refused Katherine's request to visit her.

    Suddenly the door opened, revealing Dilly with a food tray. When Dilly saw Katherine panicking, she put the tray on the nearest dresser and ran to Katherine. Dilly sat next to Katherine and took her hand. She drew circles which seemed to calm Katherine down. Katherine was able to retake deep breaths.

    "Thank you, Dilly," Katherine sadly smiled.

    "Of course, Miss. Katherine!" Dilly used her magic to move the lunch tray to Katherine's lap. "Now eat up. Mistress Narcissa wants you to be as healthy as possible."

    "Why doesn't Narcissa visit me?" Katherine asked as she cut into the small piece of chicken.

    "Dilly doesn't know," she responded. "But Dilly thinks it might be because Mistress Narcissa feels bad for the way Miss. Katherine had been treated."

    Katherine quickly ate the food. She was starving from being given only two meals a day. When Katherine finished, her food her stomach grumbled. It was not enough to fill Katherine's appetite. Dilly snapped, and the plate disappeared. Katherine jumped at the vanishing silverware. Dilly had done this a couple of times, but Katherine never got used to it.

    "Dilly, how did you know what to do when I was freaking out?" Katherine asked, turning her head to the House-Elf.

    "Well, Mistress Narcissa always does it when Master Draco is upset. It always seems to calm Master Draco down. So, Dilly thought it would help Miss. Katherine," Dilly answered.

    "What does Draco get upset about?" Katherine questioned.

    "Don't answer that, Dilly!" a voice said from the door. Katherine looked up and saw Narcissa. "Katherine, come with me, please."

    Katherine nervously looked at the woman. She had a calm demeanor which made Katherine at ease. Her face was unreadable as her features were relaxed as well. If Narcissa was okay, that meant Katherine would be. Right?

    Katherine got and walked to Narcissa. Her blue eyes followed her every inch of the way. Usually, this would make Katherine nervous, but this time it didn't. Katherine felt safe with Narcissa. Hopefully, that feeling would last. Katherine followed Narcissa through the house. The back of the house seemed the same as the front of the house. Narcissa led Katherine to stairs which they traveled down.

    Katherine's heart stopped when she saw a familiar room. It was where Bellatrix tortured her. Katherine looked at the table and saw it filled with people, including Voldemort, who sat at the head. Bellatrix was seated next to Voldemort and was goggling at him. He didn't seem to be paying attention to her, though. He was too busy staring at Katherine.

    "Ahhh, Katherine Black. It is lovely to have you here," Voldemort extended his arms in what he tried to be a welcoming manner. "Please, sit."

    "Do as he says, please," Narcissa whispered to Katherine when she noticed the girl not budging.

    Katherine hid her shaking hands and sat at the farthest empty seat. Voldemort continued to smile at her. The Death Eaters all glared at her. Most likely because of her father's actions. Katherine didn't look down at her feet like she usually did when she was scared; she looked around. Her eyes fell on Bellatrix, who was shooting daggers at her. If looks could kill, Katherine would be dead.

    "Katherine, do you know why you are here?" Voldemort asked. Katherine stared into his red beady eyes and did her best not to shiver.

    "Yes," she responded.

    "Good. Bellatrix has told me you have some sort of resistance," Voldemort said. "We could use you for great things."

    "But my Lord, she's a Blood Tr—" Bellatrix started to say something, but Voldemort's death glare stopped her.

    Katherine was starting to realize Bellatrix had anger issues. Suddenly, Katherine felt a sensation of eyes peering into her soul. Katherine pushed it away and faced Voldemort again. She knew what he was trying to do. Knowing that it wasn't going to work, Katherine slightly smirked.

    Voldemort's smile changed into a frown. The smirk on Katherine's face made Voldemort angry. Was she trying to make a fool of him? How dare she do that to the Dark Lord? Katherine was nothing compared to him! She was weak! Voldemort needed to keep his anger in. His followers couldn't see a girl making their Lord angry?

    "Bellatrix take her away," Voldemort commanded. "Do whatever you want with her."

    "Gladly, my Lord," Bellatrix evilly grinned.

    Katherine clenched her jaw as Bellatrix strutted over to her. She grabbed Katherine's wrist and pulled her up. Katherine looked at Narcissa, who had a worried look on her face again. She looked down when she locked eyes with Katherine. Bellatrix skipped like a little kid as she dragged Katherine back to Draco's bedroom.

    When they arrived, Bellatrix pushed Katherine to the ground and shut the door. She turned to Katherine and pulled her wand out; a smile was still on her face. Bellatrix went to strike Katherine, but she put her hands up in defense and closed her eyes. Katherine opened them when she felt nothing. Suddenly, Bellatrix grabbed her right hand.

    "Where'd you get this?" Bellatrix questioned.

    "What?" Katherine asked.

    "The Black band! Where did you get it!" Bellatrix yelled. Katherine looked at the names on the ring and smiled.

    "My father left it to me," Katherine innocently said.

    "Where's the motto? Why are their names on it?" Bellatrix quizzed.

    "I changed it. Didn't suit me, so I gave it more meaning," Katherine smirked as she looked at Bellatrix's wand in her other hand.

    "How dare you change it! You disgrace the Noble House of Black just like your Father and Uncle!" Bellatrix yelled. "You put your filthy Mother's name on it! You stupid littl—"

    Bellatrix's tantrum allowed Katherine to punch the woman. Her wand dropped to the floor, and Katherine grabbed it. Bellatrix got up and lunged toward her, but Katherine prevented Bellatrix from touching her with a spell.


    Bellatrix hit the wall, which seemed to knock her out. With a smile, Katherine apparated to the Burrow. She landed in the marsh, feeling a sharp pain in her abdomen. Katherine looked down and saw her large cut had reopened. Slowly Katherine rose and ran as fast as she could to the house.

    Katherine fell through the door while holding Bellatrix's wand and wound. She looked to the kitchen where Molly was washing dishes. Molly heard the noise and turned to see Katherine. She looked wide-eyed at the girl. Blood was seeping on the floor, which made Molly stay still.

    "Molly, what is 'appening?" Fleur asked, walking into the room. She screamed when she saw Katherine on the floor. Fleur ran to Katherine and put her hand on the gash. "Molly, get something to cover the cut!"

    Molly seemed to come to her senses because she moved to Katherine and conjured a wet cloth. She placed it on the wound, but it quickly turned red. Molly gathered another cloth, but it did the same thing.

    "Molly, we 'ave to get her to St. Mungos," Fleur cried.

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