Chapter 24

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"Good job, babe!" Katherine exclaimed, running towards George. The Gryffindor team had just defeated the Slytherins. George smiled at Katherine as she came into view. He lifted her in his arms when she reached him.

"Thanks, love," George laughed. "Do you want to come celebrate in our common room?"

"I would love to!" Katherine bit her lip as she thought about something else. The Hufflepuff lifted her lips to George's ear and started to whisper. "Or I can congratulate you another way. You know, it would involve you and me alone in your dorm."

"Oh, hell yeah!" George's face turned red as Katherine faced him. "I like the second option."

"Saved Weasley neck, haven't you?" Draco said to Harry. The sore loser was talking about Ron, who the Slytherins made fun of the whole match. "I've never seen a worse Keeper...but then he was born in a bin...Did you like my lyrics, Potter?"

Katherine could feel George getting tense as Draco spat insults. Harry didn't respond. Instead, Harry walked towards the rest of the team, who were cheering about their victory. Ron was the only Gryffindor that was silent. He felt he had failed the team with his terrible playing.

"We wanted to write another couple of verses," Draco called, making his way to the cheering students. "But we couldn't find rhymes for fat and ugly—we wanted to sing about his mother, see—"

"Talk about sour grapes," Angelina scoffed. George was starting to ball his hands into fists. Fred seemed not to notice the words Draco was spewing about his family until he began to talk about Mr. Weasley.

"—we couldn't fit in useless loser either—for his father, you know—" Angelina turned to Fred, who started to tense up.

"Leave it," Angelina said, grabbing Fred's arm. "Leave it, Fred, let them yell, he's just sore he lost, the jumped-up little—"

"—but you like the Weasleys, don't you, Potter?" Malfoy sneered. "Spend the holidays there and everything, don't you? Can't see how you stand the stink, but I suppose when you've been dragged up by Muggles, even the Weasleys' hovel smells okay—"

Harry helped Katherine by holding back George, while Angelina, Alicia, and Katie held Fred back from punching on Malfoy, who was laughing at the irritated twins. Madam Hooch didn't notice Malfoy belittling the Weasley family due to her berating Crabbe about the Bludger attack he did on Harry.

"Or perhaps," said Malfoy, still smirking as he back away, "you can remember that your mother's house stank like, Potter and Weasley's pigsty remind you of it—"

Harry let go of George and lunged at Draco. George broke free of Katherine's grasp and went to the Slytherin as well. Harry sent a fist into Malfoy's stomach, causing him to cry out. As much as Katherine wanted to see Draco get what he deserved, she knew that Umbridge would have a field day with them when she got wind of the fight.

"HARRY! GEORGE! GET OFF OF HIM!" Katherine yelled.

"IMPEDIMENTA!" Harry and George were knocked backward as Madam Hooch ran towards them. "What do you think you're doing? I've never seen behavior like it—back up to the castle, both of you, straight to your Head of House's office! Go! Now!"


"Banned," Angelina silently said in the Gryffindor common room later that evening. "Banned. No Seeker and no Beaters...What on earth are we going to do?"

"That's so unfair! Fred didn't even fight anyone!" Katherine yelled.

"I know! I mean, what did Crabbe get as punishment? Did she ban him?" Alicia grunted. Katherine was taken aback by the girl acknowledging what she said. Alicia and Katherine hadn't spoken or even looked at each other since their argument last year.

"No," said Ginny miserably. "He got lines; I heard Montague laughing about it at dinner."

"I'm going to bed," Angelina sighed, slowly getting to her feet. Katherine nudged Fred and nodded towards the sulking girl. Fred sighed and followed her.

"Well, I should get going," Katherine said, getting up from the couch. She gave George a quick kiss and walked out of the room, saying, "Goodnight!"

Katherine walked through the halls thinking about the chaos that was spreading throughout Hogwarts. Umbridge was slowly taking over, Harry and the twins were banned from Quidditch, and the Inquisitorial Squad was on the DA's tail. Just to get on Umbridge and Filch's nerves, George and Fred gifted Filch some chocolates that turned the caretaker's face into a pepperoni pizza.

"Look who it is!" Katherine saw Adrien Pucey in front of her.

"What do you want?" Katherine asked. Pucey stared at her with an ugly smile.

"I want revenge," Pucey spat. "A half-blood can't humiliate me like that. It would ruin my reputation if I let you get away with it."

"Look, I don't have time to fix your ego, Pucey," Katherine laughed. "Now, let me go. I don't want to have to hex you again."

Pucey scowled and stomped to Katherine. The Hufflepuff smirked at how irritated she could get the boy. Pucey was only inches from Katherine's smiling face. Did he think he could intimidate her? If Pucey did, he was so wrong. Katherine tilted her head and laughed in his face.

"You are so pathe—" Pucey crashed his lips on hers before she could finish her sentence. Katherine instantly pushed him away and punched his face. "What is wrong with you!"

Pucey didn't say anything. He just held his nose, got up, and stormed away. Katherine ran to her common room and went to the bathroom. She needed to wash her face and get rid of Pucey's touch. Katherine scrubbed her lips repeatedly. George was going to flip when he heard what happened.


"Are you shitting me!" George yelled in the dining hall. Heads turned from every table at the sound of George's voice.

"George, don't yell!" I whispered. "And watch your mouth!"

"Oh, sorry, I can't control my mouth when a snake kisses my girlfriend!" George stared at Pucey, who was talking to a beaten-up Draco Malfoy. "Did you kiss him back?"

"Are you kidding me!" It was Katherine's turn to get angry. "George, you are my boyfriend, who I love. Why would I kiss him back?"

"I'm sorry," George sighed, kissing her cheek. "But what did you do when he kissed you?"

"I pushed him away and punched him," Katherine shrugged. George smiled and kissed her, slipping in some tongue. "What was that for?"

"I just need Pucey to know that you're mine," George smirked. Katherine smiled and rolled her eyes.

"You are so jealous!" She laughed at George's reaction.

"Jealous of a Slytherin? Never!" George frowned and looked away from Katherine.

"Yea, you totally are," Katherine said to herself.

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