Chapter 73

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An hour after the broadcast, Katherine was in the kitchen with Fleur making sandwiches. Ted Tonks had not left Katherine's mind for a second. It was eating away at her insides, wondering how Andromeda and Tonks were feeling. The question about their well-being circled Katherine's head. She decided to go outside and take in the scenery to try and clear her head.

As soon as Katherine opened the door, the salty breeze hit her face. She took a deep breath and smiled. Katherine picked up a few shells as she walked to the shore. She was ecstatic when she found a gorgeous pink conch shell. The ridges on the outer shell were smooth and the inside was just as soft. Suddenly, something poked out of the shell. Katherine furrowed her eyebrows and poked it.

A giant crab-looking creature came out of the shell, making Katherine drop it and scream. The shell started to scurry away from her leaving Katherine in a panicked state. Fleur ran out of the house and to Katherine. The French girl laughed as Katherine told her what happened. Katherine pouted at the fact Fleur was laughing at her.

"Fleur, it's not funny!" Katherine shouted. "I could've died!"

"No, you would not, Kari," Fleur giggled. "Zat zing was a 'ermit crab. Ze most a 'ermit crab could do to a 'uman is pinch zem."

"Oh," Katherine felt herself blush, "but it's still not funny!"

"It is," Fleur smiled. "Bill is going to die when 'e 'ears what 'appened."

"No!" Katherine quickly said. "It's too embarrassing."

"You are going to 'ave to stop me," Fleur winked and started to run back to the house.

"Fleur! No!" Katherine shouted as she chased after her, but the girls stopped when they heard a crack.

They turned to the left and saw people. Katherine knew one of them was Luna Lovegood by the platinum blonde hair. There was a tall, dark-skinned boy behind her that Katherine recognized as Dean Thomas. Relief flooded her body at the sight of the two being alive. Katherine ran to the kids and pulled them into a group hug.

"Oh, thank Merlin, you guys are alright," Katherine sighed.

"Yes, Dobby saved us," Luna's dreamy voice said.

"Dobby?" Katherine asked. She looked over Dean's shoulder and saw the House-elf with an old man. "Grandpa?"

"Angel? Is that you?" Ollivander asked.

"Yea, it's me," Katherine lunged at her grandfather and hugged him tightly as happy tears rolled down her face. "I missed you so much!"

"I missed you too," Ollivander chuckled as he pulled away. His face quickly turned serious. "I have to tell you something."

"I already know, Grandpa," Katherine said.

Ollivander looked down. "It's all my fault Mary's dead. If I had known sooner that Alden killed her, I would've turned him in. And now he's a Death Eater! I'm so sorry. I failed. I failed Mary and you."

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